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"Emily!" I shout, running down the halls. I ignore peoples confused looks and sniding snickers.
"EMILY!" I shout louder.
"Emily!" Sean runs behind me.
We run through the labyrinth of our school halls.  As I run past Smith, he smiles. I shout again and Mr Smith's face turns worrisome.
"Find her," he says.
I don't turn but I know he's run the other way.
"EMILY!" I shout again.
My phone buzzes.
My Mam<3
I hesitate before answering.
"Kendall," Mom starts, "I'm so sorry about how things went down, but we now need to unite to help Emily through this rough time. I know you might be mad, but-"
"Mom," I interrupt, "I understand."
I hear a sigh of relief. It sounds like she's been crying.
"Are you okay?" I ask into my microphone.
"I'm fine," Mom says. I can tell by the pitch and pauses that she's lying, but I don't press the issue, "Kendall, listen, do you know anywhere she would go? I need you to think hard."
I do. I think as hard as my brain will let me.
Sean nudges me.
"Yeah?" I ask. He shows me his phone again. It's displaying a pitcure of Snapchat. Emily is at the beach. My beach.
"Stay here," I command, before I sprint away.


"Emily!" I shout. "Emily!"

I run over a dune, spying a dazed Emily.
"Oh my!" I say, "what happened?"
"My dad..." Emily can't finish her sentence before the tears begin.
I rush to sit next to her.
"It's OK," I console, "I understand."
"Kendall," Emily begins.
I smile and look at her head resting on my shoulder; "Mmm?"
"I have a confession," the way she says 'confession' carves me to my core. Tits to teeth.
I think about mom and dad. The email that exiled me from my family.
Was that Emily?
"What?" I ask.
She sits up and stares me straight in the eye.
"I'm lesbian."
She says lesbian as if it's a bad word. As if she's ashamed.
I smile at her, fondly. What can I say? What am I supposed to say? Do I act shocked? Suprised?
I say the only thing I know'll calm her nerves; "And?"
"W-w-what?" She asks.
"And what?" I say, "You're lesbian? I don't care. You're my cousin, first and foremost. The people you like doesn't affect the way I see you. I love you Emily. Nothing can change that."
Emily smiles and wraps her arms around me. Tears cascade from her eyes to my shoulder.
"It's alright," I say, "I've got you."


Sean's house is quiet.
"How'd things go with Emily?" He asks.
"She...isn't taking it well," I say.
"Yeah, I guess." Sean replies.
We're two teenagers, living alone in a large house. That's it.
A house.
With four bedrooms. One of which is occupied by me, the other down the hall is Sean's.
We're not irresponsible. We're not having sex all over the place.
"I'm going to bed," Sean says.
He comes and kisses me on the forehead. Grabbing my shoulder he smiles.
"Good night," he says, "I love you."
He stalks off to his room.
"Love you," I whisper.
I load the dishwasher and put it on.

hen I, myself, sulk off to bed.
I faulter when I pass his room. I stare at his outline slowly moving up and down under the sheets as he inhales and exhales.
I wonder, will I be that elegant?
My phone rings. I glance down to read caller ID:
Unknown number
Hesitantly, I staunch the rest of the way to my room and answer.
"Mr Furor?" I ask, instantly recognizing the voice.
"Um, I heard about Emily's dad," I hear him gulp, "I just wanted to let her know I'm sorry for her loss."
"Emily," I repeat, hearing the name, "I, uh. I don't actually live with her anymore."
"Really?" He said, "Did she move out? I don't mean to pry, it's just,"
"No-no," I calm, "it's fine. Emily didn't move out - I did. Well, I got kicked out."
"Really?" He says, "where are you living?"
"With Sean," I answer, "it's not the best arrangement but it's an arrangement."
"Oh, well." He says.
"How did you get this number?" I ask.
"You wrote it on that survey we did yesterday."
"Oh," I remember, "that's right."
I sit on my bed in silence. I hear his steady breaths but no voice.
"Um," I say.
"Y'know," he blurts, "if you ever want to leave Sean, I'm here."
"What?" I ask.
"You can move in with me," he explains, "if you...ever need to."
"Is that appropriate?" I ask.
"Since when have you ever cared about what's appropriate and what's not?" He replies.
"True," I say.
"So?" He says.
"Thanks for the offer," I look towards the door. Towards the door that leads to the hallway. The hallway that leads to Sean. The Sean that leads me to this sentence; "Can I move in with you tomorrow?"
"W-wwhat? I mean, sure!" He says.
"Cool," I say, "see you then."
I end the call.
I can't just leave Sean. Can I ? Oh fuck it!
I open my door and silently run down the hall. Sean sleeps naked.
I creep inside his room.
He rolls over but is otherwise unresponsive.
I crawl under the sheets next to him.
"Kendall?" He murmurs.
"Yeah baby?" I spoon him.
"What's going on?" He rolls over so he's the big spoon.
"I'm moving out." I state.
"W-what?" He whispers, "I thought we were fine."
"We are, it's just," I hesitate, "I need more."
He kisses me.
"Can we at least enjoy tonight, then?" He asks.
"What do you have in mind?" I ask.
"Let me fuck you," he says, "please babe."
"You can always do whatever you want to me," I say, "I am yours, forever and always."
"You are mine," he repeats. He kisses my crown, my hair smooshing into his face, "God I love you."

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