5. escape party.

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"So tell me, any news on the boys front?" Aunt Becky smirked at her niece. If looks could kill, Sarah's static glare would've melted Becky right on the spot down to the ground where she sometimes belonged.

"Hey, she's still young." Sonia smacked her sister lightly with a towel.

Sarah had been seated on the same spot for almost an hour now with the same, plastered expression on her face. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, she was wearing sweatpants and a tank top and no make up just to piss Becky off even more — but also because it was literally morning and she hadn't even had breakfast yet.

"I'm just asking! Didn't you meet Raphael when you were fifteen?" Becky raised her eyebrows and watched Sonia roll her eyes. "Exactly. Sarah's seventeen, it's not too early anymore."

"Just chill with the questioning, alright." Sonia sighed as she put Sarah's breakfast in front of her. It was the least she could do and Sarah was going to take advantage of her mom's guilt a lot.

Aunt Becky was like a meaner version of Salma Hayek's role in Grown Ups. She reminded of the actress's sharp and confident appearance and she was ten times more stuck up and focused on everything exterior. Which is why she refuses to go into Sarah's room because it's too "boy-ish and boring". How Sarah's grandma managed to squeeze out two such different daughters were unfathomable to her.

"Well, she hasn't answered a single question I've asked since I arrived." Becky defended herself and pulled up her phone to occupy herself. Even the way she held the item oozed pride and dignity.

"Maybe because your questions are so shallow and irrelevant." Sarah muttered so quietly under her breath that no one even reacted. She ate her food, trying to ignore the way her aunt was glancing her way occasionally, no doubt thinking she devoured her food too hastily.

"Do you eat like that at school too?" Becky couldn't help but to crack another comment. Without wasting any time, Sarah grabbed her plate and left the kitchen to eat in her room instead. Sonia crossed her arms together and raised her eyebrows at Becky. "What? That could explain why there's nothing on the boy front."

Sarah paced back and forth in her room to contain herself from screaming like a maniac. It took her some time to realize that Gabriel was outside her open window but once he chuckled, she turned around and put a hand against her chest.

"Didn't mean to startle you. What's gotten you all loco?" He asked through a laugh and rested his arms against the bottom window frame. She closed the door and swallowed the food in her mouth before answering.

"My aunt is here." She spat and shivered to herself.

"That horrible, huh? I thought you guys were being dramatic." He smiled but quickly stopped smiling when she glared at him.

"Dramatic? That woman is the definition of dramatic. Believe me, I'm the coolest wallflower compared to her! She's been here for less than an hour and I already can't stand her. She's like a mean, judgemental cockroach that you can't get rid of."

"Wow. Remind me to never make you angry." He murmured and checked the time on his phone. "Hurry up, I'm driving you to school."

"And it's not even like she's perfect herself!" Sarah continued. Gabriel believed that she had completely muted him in her head but the fact that she quickly finished her food and opened her closet proved that she heard him. "I mean, the woman is divorced! Her money is literally divorce money and yet she brags about it!" She continued and turned her back against him when she put her bra and shirt on. It happened so fast that he didn't even have time to register that she was undressing because if he did, he would've looked away, but she sure was efficient when mad. "Her ex is the sleaziest, most lazy man I have ever met and she paraded him like some golden trophy. But because I work in a male dominated place, I'm bringing shame?"

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