2. cafeteria fight.

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It's not that Sarah's an aggressive person. She's really not. She might be a bit of a tomboy, a girl mechanic and a strong kicker when it comes to P.E games, but she's not aggressive. She's never thrown a punch at someone or even hurt a fly because there are better ways to solve a conflict. Today, however, she crossed that line.

During lunch lately, Sarah's table of friends had expanded. So not only was it Arya and the usual four but it was also Gabriel and his friends. It had been approximately a week and a half since the party incident and Gabriel and company had started to naturally hang out with Sarah and company a lot more. It felt like old times and no one was complaining. When Sarah got up to get some more water, she was joined by someone.

"I see you've made some new friends." Oscar commented as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Sarah really had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes.

"Why do you care?" She spat and took a sip from her water. He shrugged carelessly and frowned with his lips.

"Just curious. I mean, you and that Gabriel guy are really becoming close, aren't you?" He continued with distate lingering in his tone.

"Again, none of your business." She laughed bitterly and put her glass by the dishes. "And no, we're just old friends catching up. Jealousy doesn't look good on you."

"You used to love it when I got jealous. Made you feel special." He reminded her, earning a harsh glare. She stared at him and clenched her fists beside her sides.

"Before I realised how psycho jealousy made you. Look, I don't have time or energy to do this. Just stop being an asshole. It's really not that hard."

Oscar scoffed as he looked to the side for a moment. Gabriel, now wondering what took her so long, started searching the cafeteria with his eyes for her. Sarah waited because even if she did walk away, he'd just follow her until he had finished being an inconvenience.

"Well, you and pretty boy deserve each other. You're both just as pathetic and if he manages to get in your pants, then he must be good at what he's doing. Though I hope you've raised your standards since me considering all I had to do was smile and you'd go down..."

Sarah zoned out. She had no intention of listening to his insults but this was too much, even for him. Oscar's lips kept moving but she swallowed a hard lump in her throat before she grabbed the collar of his shirt and collided her fist with his cheeks so hard that he fell down to the floor. With glossy eyes, she straddled him and kept punching him, reluctantly creating a big scene. People gasped and halfway got up from their seats but no one actually stopped them except for Gabriel who rushed over and tried to tear her away from him.

"You asshole!" She screamed and spit in his face. "Fuck you!"

"Sahara!" Gabriel placed a hand on her cheek and forced her to look at him instead. He had never been so confused before. She choked back a sob, pushed herself away from his grip and then hurried away from there. Oscar got up to his feet with an ugly grin and wiped his bleeding lip with his thumb.

"Damn. I've never seen her throw a punch before."

"And by the looks of it, you're lucky I pulled her away. What the hell is your problem, man?!"

"My problem? She's the one who punched me."

"You probably deserved it." Gabriel shook his head and then followed Sarah. He found her outside the school where he and Jessica had fought, sitting on the ground with her back against the wall.

"I can't believe I just did that." She whispered and wiped her cheeks. Gabriel joined her side carefully and examined her.

"It was kinda badass." He admitted, earning a playful punch on the arm. "Seriously. You should've seen the faces of everyone watching. You of all people are the last one they expected to see punching Oscar Cabrera. Have you ever even been angry at someone before?"

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