Chapter 1- Brave or Coward?

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I look around as I walk through my doors of the high school I go to, hearing people insult me.

What's wrong with her?

She's so ugly.

She's a worthless, deaf person.


She's so stupid. She has mental issues.

Oh my god, she smells.

Why would God let someone that weird be born?


Tears form in my eyes. This happens everyday. I have hearing loss, but I'm not deaf, not even close, but people use it against me. I have hearing aids. I have hazel eyes and dark brown hair to my waist. I always wear my hair down, to cover my ears, so they can't see my hearing aids. I sling my backpack on my other shoulder and walk up to my locker.

I need to stick up for myself, this is the day, I thought. Yeah right. I'd probably chicken out. I put my books in my locker and shove my backpack in my locker, closing it.

I start to walk to my homeroom class, which is mostly filled with the populars. I hate this class. No. I hate every class. There's always snickering and comments made about me while the teacher reads a chapter of his book. Idiot. I believe in lots of things. I believe in not you're married. I don't like cussing. Even though tons of people cuss at me, I changed the words for your benefit, of the comments they make about me. I've had my first kiss, before every thing happened.

Before I lost my hearing.

Before my mum and dad died.

Before I lived with Mrs. Daphne Jones and Mr.Roger Jones, my foster parents.

Before my 8 year old sister got lung cancer.

All because of the accident.

Because of the explosion.

No, I think, I can't think about this. Shove it out of your mind. No one knows about this except my foster family and my 8 year old sister, Callie. Why was my life so bad? Why were there a such things as bullies? I blink the tears back and push open my homeroom door and walk to my seat in the very back, in the corner. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at a rude way. When I sat down, I saw some pointing and snickers, glares, the usual. I look away until I hear someone clear their throat.

I look up and see a guy with chocolate eyes, olive skin and black hair styled up in a quiff-like thing. He looks like he could've belonged to the populars. To sum it all up, he was breathtaking, so why was he talking to me? I raise an eyebrow.

"Is this seat taken?" He asks. I shake my head 'no' and he slides into the seat on my left. I look at him, noticing the more comments being made about me. I look to the front and stare ahead, trying to get wrapped into my thoughts, but, only being brought back around to the accident. No. Can't. Think. About. It.  I clench my jaw and tighten my fists.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the guy. He's smiling. I'm pretty sure he was new, otherwise, why would he be talking to me? That's like, reputation suicide. "Vas Happenin? Sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Zayn Malik. The new student." He sticks out his hand. I hear a few gasps around the room. My gaze travels down to his hand and back to his eyes. They were so pretty.  I didn't shake his hand. He was just going to leave me and make fun of me like the others once he knows about me. He took back his hand and put it in his pocket.

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