Chapter 4- And Sandy is......

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Alright, sorry! I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! Please vote, fan, and comment. I'll try to make it long. But no promises. But I'll really try. I don't own Christina Aguilera's lyrics or Grease Characters and etc.

 Please check out my other stories and my new Harry Styles fan fiction.


It was now after school. I have no clue if Zayn made Danny or if Harry, Louis, and Niall made the rest of the T-birds. I haven't actually seen any of them since lunch. I wonder what happened. I really hate that I can't remember the rest of their names. I grab my things from my locker and put everything in my bag as I walk towards the auditorium.

Reaching the auditorium door, I take a bug breath, and slowly open the door. I walk in and widen my eyes. There was tons of people there! I notice people were slowly realizing I was here and were pointing and snickering at me. I heave a huge sigh and grab a seat, quickly scurrying into the front. I had to sit near the front for my hearing because the auditorium is big and the sound can carry on, but lose it's loud protectiveness. I look around me and shrink into my seat. I hated sitting in the front.

I stare intently at the stage in front of me. trying to block out the words. I was in it to win it. I can do this. I WILL be Sandy. Positive thinking.

I see two figures walks out on stage and I quickly realize it's our drama and music teacher.

"Hello and welcome for the girl auditions. First, we'll introduce the male leads. Yes, we have already chosen. It was actually fairly easy, but I doubt it will be the same case here." Our drama teacher, Mr. Fritz says. I nod to myself and listen to our music teacher, Mrs. Ryder start talking.

"Okay. As we introduce the male leads, they will step out on stage. Please hold your applause til the end." I heard the girls say things like Yes or Can we start already?

I smirk agreeing with the second comment. Mr. Fitz claps his hands together and clears his throat, "The person playing Kenickie is Harry Styles."

I frown as I watch Harry walk across the stage. I hear some girls giving him cat calls and he grins, waving to them. He then sees me in the front row and glares at me. I look away and shrink lower in my seat.

"Putzie is played by Niall Horan."

"Sonny LaTierri is played by Louis Tomlinson."

"Doody is played by Liam Payne." I widen my eyes. Liam Payne? Zayn told me he wasn't trying out. Did he lie or was it a surprise? Zayn wouldn't lie to me....right? I shrug, who knows?

"And last and defiantly not least, Danny Zuko is being played by Zayn Malik!"

My widened eyes grow even wider and my jaw drops. He saunters on stage and I see him looking through the crowd and everyone applauds. He catches me eye and I grin giving him a thumbs up. I can't believe he actually got it!

He smiles back and Mrs.Ryder signals everyone to be quiet. After a few tries, the audience is silent. She explains how this will work. We'll be split off in groups based on which character you're auditioning for. Then everyone will be in separate rooms. Sunny's are in the auditorium with Zayn. Rizzo's were in the gym with Harry. And so on. Apparently there's more teachers for the audition process in each room. Mr.Fitz and Mrs.Ryder had told them what they look for in those characters and expect no one less.

After everyone left and the only people in here was the Sunny wanna-bees, Zayn and Mr.Fitz.


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