Chapter 1; Accounter

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Mysterious buzzing, banging, and machinery noises were common in the city. So was the cloudy weather and slick pavement streets. Not many animals except a few pigeons seemed to like it here. Thriving on the leftovers and scraps of dropped food. Yet, Humans seemed to like it just fine, I always wondered what was so appealing in the dark, noisy, city. My boots splashed in the cloudy, muddy puddles, my hands in my hoodie, and my blonde hair flowing behind me. I was headed downtown to get some groceries so tonight my sister Ivurious and I could have the dinner we've wanted to make since we moved here in the city. The people always seemed to hurry to get somewhere. Home to a wife maybe, or to the bar to drink away their problems. That's all that people really did here, drink and drink until they crash. A scruffy old man that smelled like sour, sat on the road holding a cup out and yelled at every passing stranger, " Help a good soul! Donations please! My wife took everything even my house now I must buy one myself. " No one seemed interested in his pleas, instead they just rushed past him like school fish. Soon I began to approach the man, I knew I had some loose change so I began to pick out each cent from my pockets and dropped them into his cup. " It's not much sir, " I stated " but it's all I have to give. Have a nice day. " So once again I headed back into the moving people and made my way to the nearest store.

When I got out of the store the streets were cleared of people but taxis raced each other to pick up the people who were actually out. " I'm not that far from home, I'll just walk.... " I muttered to myself as I made my way back home, taking in the sights and sounds. The lights of the city blocked out the beautiful stars. I craved to see each and everyone again, to name them and show them to all the people in the city. Hoping that the people would actually stop rushing and look at the wonders in the sky together. But, the lights, pillars and skyscrapers all blocked your view. I shook my head in shame and saw a little hot chocolate shop up head. Hot chocolate. Now that I thought about it, I was actually pretty cold. And hungry, surely Ivy wouldn't mind if I stopped and got some. Perhaps for both of us. When I opened the door to the little shop the fresh sent of chocolate wafted its way toward me and hit me in a sudden shock. My body became numb from the warmth. " Hello, " chimed an old woman. " Welcome. It's a nice night for some hot chocolate, no? " I looked right at her as my face spread into a wide smile. " oh yes ma'am! " I said excitedly " It's absolutely frozen out there. " She nodded and smiled. Her eyes followed something outside and to her door. What is she looking at...? My eyes followed hers slowly to find myself looking right at the entry.Just then, the bell on the door rang and a boy walked in. His black hair dripping with melted snow and onto the tile floor of the store. " Why hello there, seems you got caught in a blizzard! " The little woman laughed as she started to make my hot chocolate and his. He walked over to us and stood right beside me, towering over me. My god this guy is huge! I was to the middle of this guy's neck! And his eyes.... Oh his eyes, they seemed almost to be a shocking yellow, and they were staring right at me. I started to fidget under his heavy gaze. I mean not to be blunt, but he was drop dead handsome. " I'll pay for the lady here. " He said to the lady handing her money for two. Oh god, even his voice was sexy. The lady just raised an eyebrow at me and smiled. " coming right up! " She called as she rummaged around her little station mixing and making the chocolate. " Um.... Thank you... " I said looking back up at him. " Do I know you? " I was to stupid gawking at his eye color that I hadn't noticed, his eyes were filled with sadness. He shook his head. " No you don't. " He passed me my hot chocolate, then took his also, and started to head to the door of the shop. Hold up. This guy is just gonna walk away without telling me his name? Oh no, that's not going to happen. Quickly I placed myself between the door and him. " Well in that case, I guess I should get to know you right? " He just stared at me his blankly, then began to speak again. " You probably won't like me. " he muttered almost to quiet for me to hear as he reached behind me to open the door. " No one does. " that couldn't be true! Not when you just give people stuff. I wouldn't take it. " what makes you think that? " I asked as I pressed myself to the door. " I like everyone I meet. I'll tell you what. It's really dark out there and to be honest I'm kinda scared of the dark. So why don't you walk me home? Please? " He shook his head just a bit embarrassed and smiles sadly. " sure why not. " At that I moves out of the way and let him open the door. He held the door open for me, holding his hot chocolate in the other. I nodded thanks and started to walk home, him walking right beside me, keeping his distance. We walked in a long silence sipping on our hot chocolate, until finally he spoke out. " I'm Night by the way. " I looked up at him in almost what seemed to be surprise. Night. What a perfect name. " I'm Alice. " I laughed. " God, I thought you would never talk. " Night just laughed a bit and nodded to a tall building. " Is this it? " He asked. My eyes followed his gesture as I found myself looking right at my apartment complex. This guy is a wonder. I quickly nodded. " Yes, actually it is. " I smiled and turned to face him. " Thank you so much for the hot chocolate. And for waking me home. It was very sweet of you to do so. " Night's cheeks almost seemed to be turning a shade of pink as he scratched the back of his neck, embarrassed. " No problem. Good bye... Alice. " He said as he waves goodbye and headed back. I waved in return and ran upstairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and put up all the groceries. After I finished that I laid down on my bed, not even bothering to change, and fell asleep dreaming of Night. And the time we would meet again.

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