Rouge your MINE

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Alright so I would just like to say thank you to someone that is inspired me (KirstenD1112 I just have to say that you ROCK and THANK YOU)


Alpha Tyler's pov.

"Tyler get your ass out of bed",my dad mind linked

Man its 8:00 am. I wish he would shut the F*ch up "Hey smartass your mind link is on, u better get the hell up,NOW!!!",he sounded pissed

With that being said I jumped out of bed and hit the shower becaused I know pissed off Alpha is good for NO one!!!!

I can't wait until I'm Alpha! I'm 20 years old and still havn't found my mate, My dad said he wont let me become Alpha fully until find her.

Now out of the shower and dressed I headed downstairs when one of my pack members mind linked me.

"Alpha, rouge have entered the pack territory on the south side" he warned and waiting for directions of what to do."Ok I'll be there in one min!" ......."Tyler get your ass in my office NOW!!!" my dad yelled though my head. man thats going to give me headache ."Dad there is rouges on the south side. I have to go!" I explaind

"Fine, but when you get there is something important you need to know." calmly he said. I didn't wait for him to change his mind, I was surprisd that he said fine and as a matter of fact he sounded calm....maybe mom was with him?

I shifted into my black wolf and if i may say he awesome, my wolf is all black with white ears, it really looks like I have earmuffs on.

On my way there I stared to smell the most intoxicating scent ever. It smelt like peaches, following the scent it lead me fight to a big fight of rouges and my fighters.Then I saw her ,she was the most beautiful she-wolf ever. she was a autumn red wolf with white ears like me. I finally realized she was a rouges and was fighting one of my fighters.

I needed to stop this"Matt stop fighting, I need every one to stop fighting Now!" I need them to stop or they were going to hurt my Mate and their Luna."Hey Tyler why do you want us to stop" my beta Matt asked linking me. "because yur Luna is out there!" I explaind


"yes..the red one, don't let her get away!!"

"I can't belive it!"

"would you Stop and watch her you idot!!"

At this point the fighting had stoped and they had the rouges and my Mate circled . she looks up and her eyes land on me and I know she knows that I'm her Mate,This made me howl, but then she did something I was not expecting, she ran! pinned down two of my fighters and took off into the woods

At frist I was sad that she left us but of course I went after her ...I like a good chase so let the games being Little MATE!!




Okay so I may not be the best writer but I LOVE to read so I thought I would give this a try yeah tell me how I did and what u think but please not bad comments.

oh and tell me if u think i should keep going. ;P

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