Chapter 3:

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I wake up the next morning covered in dry blood and bruises everywhere. My father didn’t hit me so hard that it broke any bones or anything, but he sure as hell popped my hip and a couple other joints outta place. I walk to the bathroom to go clean myself up, and look at myself in the mirror. Gah, I look hideous. I start to clean off the dried blood from all over me, and then I get a good look at all the bruises. I have a black eye, and a bunch of good sized bruises all over my torso, arms and legs. I look at the clock and see it says 7:00am. Well, I’m already late for school, my dad isn’t here. Fuck it.


I walk back into my room and pick out an outfit to wear today that will cover up the bruises. I end up wearing my white shirt and denim shorts with black tights under them and a black sweater to make sure none of the bruises are showing. Then I go and cover up my black eye with some foundation then do my regular makeup. Then I look at my phone and see I have a text message.


From Austin: Hey, I dunno what you have going on today, but, do maybe wanna hangout?


That’s right, he doesn’t know how old I am, or really anything about me, so, he didn’t know that I’m supposed to be in school.


To Austin:

Uhhmm. Sure.. What time?


From Austin:

Well, why don’t I just pick you up now if you’re free.


To Austin:

Yeah, sure. You can pick me up at the park where you dropped me off last night. (I say not wanting my father to come home and maybe see him)


From Austin:

Okay, I’ll be there in 10.


I gather my stuff and walk out the door. I light up a cigarette and walk in the gates to the park. I sit on a bench and wait for Austin to get here sense it’s only been about 5 minutes. “Hello there pretty lady.” I hear a familiar voice say while sitting next to me. “Hey.” I say my head still down, ‘cause even though I’m pretty sure I covered my eye pretty good, I’m still paranoid that the makeup will smudge or something like that will happen. “Would it be so bad to look at me while I’m talking to you? I mean, I know I’m ugly and all, but, I’m not so bad that you can’t look at me. Am I?” Austin jokes. “No, you’re not. You’re not ugly. You’re anything BUT ugly Austin.” I say looking up at him. “Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see your B-E-A-utiful face! Duuuuhh!” He says as he picks me up bridal style and starts to spin me. “Austin. Put me down. Please.” I say almost in tears. He’s putting pressure on all the bruises. “Oh my gosh.” he puts me down “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He says looking all sad and stuff. “It’s okay, you didn’t... I just, I fell down and busted my ass the other day, and I have a big bruise. That’s all.” I lie. “Oh, alright..” He says... Shit, I think he knows I’m lying.. Damn. “Well, what do you wanna do?” He asks. “Hmmm, how about we go window shopping! I don’t really have much money, but, yeah, I like to look. Heh.” I say. “It’s all good, c’mon, and then about 12, you wanna get some lunch?” He asks. “Sure.” I say dreading 12 because, well, I don’t eat. And, I don’t want him to think there’s something wrong. I’m not one for pity.


“Alright, where should we go first?” Austin says when we get to the mall. “Hmmm, Hot Topic?” I ask “Sure!” He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the Hot Topic in the mall. We walk in and instantly Austin gets harassed by a bunch of girls. I guess I should’ve seen that coming. So, I just walk back to the back and look at band merch. Then I go to the section with the tapers and look at those. Then I’m ready to leave, so, I just wait for Austin to get done meeting fans, and sit on a bench outside the store. “Hey.. I’m sorry about that...” Austin comes up to me and says. “It’s okay.. Do you wanna go to the food court now?” I ask “Sure.” He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the food court. Austin decided to get sushi, and I just got a small salad. We sat down and he dug into his sushi and I pulled my sleeves up not even thinking and began picking at my salad. “Eliza...” Austin trails off. “Yeah?” I ask unknowing of my scars and bruises showing. “Do you uhmm... Wanna explain that to me? ‘Cause I know that’s not from busting your ass.” He says pointing to the bruises and scars that cover my arms. “Oh.. It’s uh..” *bzzzz* *bzzzz* My phone saves me from answering the question. I pick up the phone and here the message play. “To the parents of Eliza Anderson. Your daughter was absent from school today. This has been her 5th absence this month. Goodbye.” The phone said. I hung up and went back to picking at my salad after pulling my sleeves back down. “How old are you Eliza? I mean, you just got a call from school. WHERE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE IN SCHOOL TODAY??!? Eliza! You can’t just ditch whenever you please. You need to go to school.” He says. “OKAY! I get it! I get enough of this at home, U don’t need it from you. Will you just take me home now please?” I say with tears in my eyes. “Woah. Now you must tell me what happened.” Austin said pointing to my eye. Shit. My makeup came off.. Dammit. “Umm..... My dad... He uh..” I trailed off. “Oh no, he won’t get away with this.” Austin started to get up from his seat. “Austin, it’s fine..” I say. “No, it’s not. You don’t deserve this.” He says angrily. “Just.... take me home...” I say.


We get to his car and I buckle my seatbelt and pull out a cigarette. I need one. Austin got in the car, but didn’t move it. “Doesn’t your mom do anything about your dads aggressiveness?” He asked. “Well.. About that... My mom isn’t really here anymore...” I trail off and look and the cherry of my cigarette. “I uh... I’m sorry to hear that.. As you know, I lost mine to.” He said tearing up. “Don’t cry!” I stop and think. “It’s kicking a puppy when you cries... It just.... It doesn’t need to happen.” I say “I’m trying not to.” He laughs, then thinks. “How about you stay with me for a little while... I’ll take you to your house, and, you can get some clothes, and, we’ll go from there.” He says looking at me questionably. “Uhhhhmm... Sure..” I say softly not wanting to be a burden.

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