You're Not Alone You're With Me

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Chapter 1


Eliza’s P.O.V.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone going off. Today is the first day of my Junior year. After this, one more year. Then I’m out of this hell hole. I get up and do my regular winged eyeliner and foundation then straighten my short red hair and head to my closet to find something to wear today. I pick out a black tank top with a red flannel shirt then some black skinny jeans. I slip my clothes on and get my bag ready for school. I walk out my bedroom door and head out the front door and start my walk to school.


When I get to the front doors of my school I take a deep breath, walk in and head to my homeroom class. I walk in and whatya know. I’m in a class with 15 other people that absolutely HATE my guts. So I just keep my headphones in and sit down in the back of the room. Hopefully no one will notice me. About 5 minutes in to my first period class (which is also the same class as my homeroom) I’ve gotten at least 20 spitballs thrown at me, 2 notes stuck to my back, been called 10 different names, and not one person relatively nice. But, I should be used to it, I’ve already spent two years in this school, and I will have to spend another two, so, I have to just learn that nothing’s going to change.


Since in 1st period, we can’t have our phones or electronics out, I guess I’ll just sleep. I mean, after all, it is the first day of school, and all we do is sit in our classes and review all the stuff we did the year before.


I’ve barely gotten through my first 4 classes and now it’s lunch. I walk out the doors to the school and head to the park that’s only a couple blocks down the rode. When I get there, I sit down on the old playhouse and pull out a cigarette from my three-fourths full pack, put it to my lips, and light it. Now people may say this is a “nasty habit” and that “drug free is the way to be” but I don’t believe in all that bullshit. But, whatever, people think what they want, and I can’t stop them, so, why try. I smoke 3 in a 1/2 before it’s time for me to walk back to school to get to my 5th period.


When I walk into my 5th period class I see, yet again, a class full of my bullies. God, it’s like the person who set up my schedule wanted me to suffer.  I sit down in the back of the class again, like I do in every class. I try and stay awake in this class because it’s math, and I DO NOT understand math whatsoever, and I kind of want to pass high school, so I need to pay attention. The teacher started calling role and since my last name is Anderson, I was called first, “Elizabeth Anderson?” Mr. Cometo called. “It’s Eliza, not Elizabeth.” I say in a pissed off tone of voice. Elizabeth was the name my shit father gave me. I hate it, and always have. Since my name has already been called I rest my head on my hand and try and stay awake during this class. Of course, it doesn’t work, and I end up falling asleep anyways. My next two classes flew by fast considering it was my English block, everyone there hated me too, but that came to no surprise. As soon as the bell rang I got up and left the school as fast as possible to avoid all the preps. I stop by the park on my way home and pull out another cigarette and light it up. As soon as I’m done with that I head home. As soon as I get home I set my bag down and go into the main part of our house. Like I figured, it’s a mess. So, I start cleaning up and as soon as I’m done I head to my room, lock my door, and turn on my favorite band Of Mice And Men as loud as my stereo will let me, pull out my journal and start working on perfecting the note I’ve been writing for a while now. It’s my suicide note. No one would care if I was gone. I have no one except for my drunken father, since my mother died a couple years ago. No friends, no boyfriend, no one. So, I’m getting ready to just do everyone a favor and leave. I’ve planned my suicide date exactly a week from now. Once I’m done working on the note a little more, I tip-toe to the kitchen to make sure my dad doesn’t notice me, and grab two bottles of Jack, and head to my bathroom. Ending this night just like all the others, taking a long warm bath, digging my blades into my skin, and drowning myself in alcohol.

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