Replacement Medic (Moira X Fem!Reader)

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How could I forget the character I'm gayest for in this game.

"Mercy's new replacement is coming in today." I hear someone say to me.

I turned to look to them. "What are you talking about, Hana?" I narrowed my eyes. "What new replacement?"

"What?" She widened her eyes and stared down at me. "You didn't hear?!"

"Well, no, not really. I mean I heard we were gonna get someone new, but I didn't know that rumor was true." I shrugged. "I thought I was going to be the new medic for the group."

"They figured best that someone new do the job." She responded. "Anyways, it's too bad Mercy had to leave to help Overwatch in another country." She sighed.

I nodded. "So we're getting a new medic?" I paused. "I assume."

Hana shook her head. "Well, she's not exactly a medic."

"Well, then what is she?" I tilted my head.

She'd have to be a medic, since she's replacing Mercy. I mean what else could she be?

"She's a Geneticist or a Genetic Engineer." She said.

Oh, she's that. So she isn't a medic.

"Then how is she supposed to help?"

"I help to make new weapons and alter DNA to get rid of diseases and disorders." A deep, unrecognizable, accented voice said. "My goal is to maximize human potential."

I turned to look to the person.
They were tall, skinny, and had reddish orange hair. She had two different colored eyes, one brown and the other blue. The blue had a weird metal plate over it. I wasn't too sure.

"I'm Moira, Mercy's replacement." She bowed to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Moira..." I was honestly a little suspicious of her. "I'm {Y/N}, I also work in the medical department."

"What's your position?" Her eyes flicked down to me.

"I'm what Mercy calls, second in command." I replied. "Medical assistant."

"Oh!" She placed the tips of her fingers together and smiled. "You'll be working with me!"

"I am?" I asked stupidly. "Oh, I am."

"Yes, so you better get up, we have work to do." She then frowned.

"Rip, sorry." I hear Hana say as I move to get up.

"Yeah, thanks, I guess." I sighed, starting to follow the tall scientist. "Well, wish me luck, Hana."

"You've got it!" She said back to me.

"Why do you need luck?" I hear Moira ask me as she turns to go into the med bay.

"I don't know." I frowned.

She placed a hand onto my shoulder, digging her long nails into it.
I flinched. God is this lady scary.

"Don't worry!" She had a large grin on her face and loosened her grip on my shoulder. "I don't bite." She dragged her hand off me and headed into the lab.

I was still a little frozen in place, staring after the older Irish woman. I was scared for what she had in store for me. It can't be good, specially with that unsettling smile she gave me.

*A little later*
A small laugh sounded from her, her long nailed finger pointing to the picture on her phone.

"She's my favorite character." She said to me.

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