Being shot has its perks (Widowmaker X Fem! Reader Part 1)

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"You killed them all!" Anger surged through me. "My entire family! Years ago!"

They smiled. "Yes, that I did."
They then gave a loud laugh. "And I don't regret it."

I balled my fist and in my other hand, gripped the handgun tighter. Then, I raised the gun up, aiming the sights at the man, ready to fire. My eyes then widened. The snap of his fingers paralyzing me. I couldn't even turn around, nor could I shoot, when I heard the earsplitting pop of a gunshot. I fell forward, blood spilling onto the floor below me. I then fell completely on the ground, pain ebbing through my chest.
Sound was fading out, but before I passed out, I heard the loud clicking of heels and the sharp cracks of an assault rifle. Closing my eyes, I fell into darkness.

*Amelie's POV*
There he was, blood spilling from the side of his neck, his guards close by, already dead. 

"You had this coming." I say, enraged.

I then turn quickly. Seeing my fallen accomplice on the ground. That rage suddenly washed away and worry floods over me. I flip her over quickly, yet gently, blood still flowing from the wound under her breast. I pressed my hand over it hard, trying my best to stop the blood. Using my other hand, I switched on my radio.

"I need help immediately!" I say loudly in my radio. "{Y/N} is down."

"Amelie? Is that you?" I heard Reyes reply to me.

"Oui!" I yelp. "Please, I need help, she's losing a lot of blood!"

"I'll send a group and I'll be on my way." Reyes replied quickly.

His radio cut off and I switched off my own, placing both hands over her wound. Before I even knew what was happening, I felt my face become warm, as tears dripped down and onto (y/n). My hands became weak and I wasn't sure if I could continue to stop the blood in my state. She was dying and I couldn't stop all the bleeding. I took a deep breath and sighed. My hands pushed harder on her body and I stopped shedding tears.
-fifteen minutes later-
I heard a door swing open and my head swung up. There was Gabe, he seemed pissed. But I don't think it was about me or (y/n) but about the people who shot (y/n).

"In here!" He yells, rushing over to the two of us.

Four men run in. One has a bag, which had a faded medical sign of it. The men push me away and I'm suddenly panicking. Gabe leads me away as the men behind to patch her up.

"We have to go, they will take care of her, we need to wrap up this case." He says to me.

He pulls me away.

*(Y/n)'s POV*
I opened my eyes slowly, sitting up, careful not to hurt myself. I turned, seeing Amelie slumped over in a chair, eyes closed, her breath steady and slow.
A tingling feeling in the back of my throat rises and I give a dry cough. Her eyes snap open and she stares at me. Her face lights up so brightly and I'm so happy she's the first face I see. She practically jumps forward, clamping her arms around me in a tight hug. Heat rushes through me and I give a small giggle. She pulls away, smiling. A smile I've never seen her show before. Her amber eyes so bright, I almost choked on my feelings. She grabs my face gently and kisses me. Her lips soft and warm. She then pulled a little away.

"I love you." She says, then she begins to cry. "I almost didn't get the chance to tell you." Her french accent was so soothing.

I pulled her close and let her head rest on my shoulder. I had always wondered why I liked her. She was rude most of the time. She spat out her words like venom. I always liked her, but never thought she even thought me that way. She always acted like the spiders she used to fear. Now, she's acting like the opposite and I was wondering what her change of motive was. Why she suddenly decided to show her emotions. But I don't care anymore. She was here in my arms and she was now my only family. I knew what she did for me too.

"Thank you." I say quietly.  "But I never knew you thought of me that way." A smile so true, stretched across my face and I laughed. "I wouldn't have it any other way, if I'm to be honest."

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