Chapter 8

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 I don't know how long I cried. It felt like it was for eternity, like my tears wouldn't stop. 

Jonghyun was standing right by my side the whole time. Then he reached and wiped my tears with his jacket sleeve. That took me with surprise.

"Thank you." my voice was barely louder than a whisper

He just smiled. 

"Sorry about that," I didn't know what else to say "Let's talk about other things."

We walked for a while in silence. It was one of those awkward silences, but at least during the time I pulled myself together and felt better. Crying everything out once in a while makes you feel better afterwards, I guess.

All of a sudden Jonghyun turned to me with excitement. "You said you like running right? Wanna race then?" he asked.

"Race? Sure!" I replied with a smirk. 

Oh It's going to be a piece of cake! 

"Then whoever gets first to the that purple house all the way at the end right there wins." I suggested

"Fine with me," he agreed "but what will the winner get?" he asked

I thought for a second.

"How about..." I began and left the word in the air for some time before I could come up with something.

"How about the loser buys winner something. It doesn't need to be a huge gift or something. Maybe like pays for the food or buys something that'll last and will be kept as a memory." I said

He thought for a second. "It does sound good."

"Are you ready Jong Hyun?" I asked as I positioned myself.

"What do you think?" he asked as he did the same.

He was on the left side of the sidewalk while I was on the right. It was a pretty big sidewalk and we had enough room between us. The last thing we want is to bump into each other with every step we took. 

"Ready" I began

"Set" he continued

"GO!" we both shouted and began running.

He is pretty good at running I can say that. He was able to keep up with me, but I doubt he would for very long because I run long distance everyday and I really don't think he has time to run let alone  long distances with his busy schedule. 

The closer we got to our end mark, I began picking up speed and started looking ahead.

Five more houses...four more...three. I looked at my left and Jong Hyun was keeping up...two left to go....and...BAM! I fall.

As I looked up a little, I could see Jong Hyun at the "finish line" celebrating. Well this is extremely humiliating...

After some moments of joy he come over to me. He then bend down on one knee and offered me a hand, I took it. When I got up, I almost fell back again because of the pain that shot through my leg. I held on to his arm for some support and we managed to cross the street to get to the street seat.

"Thanks." I said

"What happened back there?" he asked as he helped me sit down

"Well.." I tightnened my jaw, enduring the pain "I forgot that part of the side was was a little uneven..and apparently my shoes were untied." I said and bend down to tie them.

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