Chapter 10

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     Author's Note: Hey guys I should've said this earlier but this is actually taking place in the summer/fall of  2011 around September-ish when Yonghwa finished filming Heartstrings. Sorry I forgot to mention all of this sooner!!! D:


"Okay what are we doing now?" I asked as I looked at Angie, Jong Hyun, Min Hyuk, Jung Shin and finally to Yonghwa.

Yonghwa and I came inside a while ago and all of us sat in the living room quietly ever since.

"I wish we could go outside." said Min Hyuk and looked down with a sad face.

"But we can't." sighed Jung Shin and pouted 

"Because it's dangerous." finished Jong Hyun with a big sigh and looked down with Yonghwa and Angie joining him.

"Oh come on guys we can have fun at home too!" I said trying to sound cheerful and full of energy. I raised my fist in the air in attempt to show my enthusiasm, but it turned out looking so weak. 

God I suck at acting.

"You're not fooling anyone." said Yonghwa with an unamused look on his face

I just rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

"What can we possible do at home?" asked Min Hyuk

"Hmmmm how about play games?" I suggested

Angie shot  her head up with exciment "Like 7 minutes in heaven!" she exclaimed

"Like family friendly games." I gave her the look.

"We used to play this game when we were younger," said Jung Shin "but we need a bottle first. Then everyone will sit in a circle on the floor and one person will spin the bottle and whoever it points to they can ask them whatever they want and that person has to answer it." 

"Oh yeah that game." said Yonghwa, apparently remembering it.

"I love it!" said Min Hyuk

"I'm okay with it as long as it's not a question I don't wanna answer." said Jong Hyun with a smile.

I guess he was warning us nicely not to ask something too personal.

"It sounds like Truth or Dare without the dare part." said Angie 

"Let's play then! We need a bottle!" I said

"I'll get it!" Min Hyuk jumped right up and ran to the kitchen to look for an empty bottle or empty a bottle from the fridge. 

While he was looking for a bottle, the rest of us got up and sat in a circle on the floor.

It was me then Jung Shin on my right then Angie then Yonghwa on her right who was also right across from me then Jong Hyun  and there was an empty space between me and Jong Hyun for Min Hyuk.

He finally came back from the kitchen and sat down in the empty space and placed the bottle in the middle of the circle.

"Yay I get to sit next to unnie." he said with a big smile then turned to Jong Hyun "and next to the cold Jong Hyun hyung." he said with a disappointed look on his face. Everyone laughed including Jong Hyun.

"Well since I got in trouble of drinking a bottle of soda in less than 10 seconds I get to spin the bottle first!" exclaimed Min Hyuk and no one stopped him.

He spinned the bottle and it landed on Jung Shin.

"Ah! Not fair!" Min Hyuk complained. "I already everything about you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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