infinite energy engine

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So I have had this idea ever since I was in my first science class in junior high school. While it is only possible as a conceptual design it is a method of power that is infinite. So the basic idea is encompassed around a source of finite energy, the ecosystem. And yes I know it sounds stupid of me to even attempt to turn a finite resource into an infinite resource but hear me out. The reason I call it infinite is because it is not possible to run out of the fuel source until a time when the entire system gets absorbed into the sun. Granted this is only possible on planets in the goldilocks zone that are capable of sustaining life and even then it is impossible to do without being 100% ecologically friendly.

In order to create this terra-engine a ton of research is required to discover the elements of extremophiles that allow them to be able to not only survive in the hottest locations known but to actually thrive. Once that is discovered we would be applying that to the technology used in the hyper-temperate blocking suits used when setting up the modified thermal generators that make use of wires made with the same hyper insulation as the suits would. The entire system would be hermetically sealed in what is likely to be the world's most expensive structure due to the pressure at such a depth would crush anything short of diamond strength durability so even if we were to use synthetic diamond it would be Hella expensive.

So yeah... hermetically sealed building made of diamond that has an insane cooling system at just below the earth's crust using an active volcano for ease of access add in extreme insulation on everything only lowering the amount of insulation of the thermal generator so it is capable of pulling in heat to power potentially an entire continental zone of 300 by 300 by 300 yard capacitor banks, each subdivided to isolate the different districts so as to prevent a mass-blackout spanning an entire continent. Also if someone does see this and wishes to implement it into the several required patents I am far too lazy to patent any of it myself and I simply ask you to give me the credit for the base concept and theology behind this. Even if it turns into a multibillion dollar patent I do not want a single cent in royalties.

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