Tell her this - John laurens x female!reader PRT 2

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It's been almost a year now since I saw John last, about 8 months. It was coming close to Christmas time. He had written me a letter saying that he'd be home for Christmas. I spent many days, staring out the window and smiling sadly, especially during this weather. It reminded me of some of the memories at had with John. I had a cup of tea, and I let myself drift into the memories.

3 years ago..
I was walking down the street, four presents stacked in my hands. I was trying to look where I was going. This was my first Christmas away from home, and I wanted to get my family's presents out as soon as possible. I see the sign for the post office in the dark of night, only street lamps lighting my way. I run into someone. The presents going flying.

"Ack!" I scream. The person who ran into me grunts in discomfort. I look at the person. It was a man with tons of freckles and long, curly brown hair in a ponytail. He looks up. He catches every single present in one hand, one stacked on top of the other. I stare in astonishment.

"Sorry, miss." He said, smiling. "I didn't see where I was going."

He hands me the presents. "Do you need help?"

"U-uh, sure!" I stutter. He chuckles, taking two presents. I hold the other two.

"My name is John Laurens, it's a pleasure to meet you." He says.

"I'm [name] Hamilton." I say. He looks at me and smiles.

"Sister of Alexander Hamilton?" He asks. I nod. "I'm one of your brother's friends! Alexander has told me a lot about you."

"Oh." I say. "I wish air could say the same about you, I haven't seen Alexander since last year when he moved to Harlem."

"Oh." He says. We walk into the post office. "Well, Alex is coming by my house with his girlfriend for a quick drink later, do you want to come?"

"Sure." I say, paying for some stamps and sending the presents out. He smiles.

"Great." He says. "Let me give you my phone number, so so can contact you later."


I sigh at the memory. I also remember his and Is first Christmas...

2 years ago..
"Merry Christmas, [name]!" He says, handing me a gift. I laugh.

"John, Christmas isn't until tomorrow, I can't open this now." I say, setting it under the Christmas tree again. I go into the chicken to check on our meal.

"But the waiting is killing me!!" He says. He was currently shirtless with only pajama bottoms. I was in one of his shirts and some underwear.

"John, you'll just have to wait!!" I say.

"Please!!" He says, grabbing the present again and running into the kitchen. He hands me the present again. "Just this one!!"

"Fine!" I say. I put the present on the counter and tear open the wrapping. He grabs the wrapping, throwing it away. I chuckle. I open the box. It was a ukulele. "John!"

"I thought we could learn how to play it together!" He says, smiling really widely.

"John, its beautiful!" I say. It was a dark blue soprano ukulele with a gold outline on the rim. I hug him. "Thank you."

He hugs me back. "I love you, [name]." He says, kissing my cheek and snuggling into my neck.

"I love you too, John." I say, pecking his nose.

I hear a knock at the door. I set my tea down, and open it.

"Are you [name] Hamilton?" A man asks. He was about 6 foot tall, short black hair and brown eyes.

"Yes, may I ask who you are?" I ask.

"My name is [enter a name see if I care], I'm one of John's colleagues in the military." He says. That's when I notice he was wearing combat boots, camouflage cargo pants, and a greenish tan shirt.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad tidings." He says. "John passed away three days ago."

I froze. I stared him in the eyes. "Excuse me?"

"He passed away three days ago." He states again. "He had gotten shot in his ribs, the bullet grazed his left lung. We tried to heal him, but the bullet entered way too deep."

I collapse against the doorway. The man panics and kneels beside me.

"I'm sorry, miss." He says. "John was a great man, I'll give him that."

I turn to him, anger rising in me. "You knew nothing about John." I said, slowing getting up. "He was more than a great man, he was the love of my life. He was the best man any one could ask for and he...and he..." I sobbed. The man stood, almost in shock. "He loved me. And I loved him."

Then I had slammed the door. I leaned against the door and slid down, sitting on the floor. I looked around the room. Emptiness. Broken memories that are no longer alive. I looked at the fridge. I see the Christmas card he and I made last year.

"John..." I whimpered. "Why didn't you tell me...."

I love you. I heard.

I look up, to see John. He was nothing but a wisp of a smoke like creature. He smiled, kissing my forehead, then leaning his forehead against mine.

I really do.

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