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hi! just to clear things up sam's family owns a pub downtown and when anna said, "make sure to pay your own drinks" and blah blah she was being sarcastic about it

Saturday's aren't the best, at least for me. For the past few days, my phone was bombarded with text messages and voicemails. I had gotten a lot of emails from various people who have usernames that could be used for craigslist. Even though I knew who was behind all of this imprudence, I can't help but feel nervous whenever I hear the phone ring. And, as for my mother and I, we haven't talked since Thursday. However, she keeps on insisting that it was for the very best.

I tightened my grip on the grasscutter as I walked towards our house. Mrs. Morisson called me and told me to drop by their's to return our grasscutter she has borrowed from my mom days ago. Kicking a lonely stone that had been laying on the ground, I sighed before stepping into our home. 

"What's that frown for, hm?" Sam spoke from the kitchen. Great, she's here. I almost forgot that I texted her to come over.

"Mom let you in without me?" I said. She rolled her eyes at me while pouring a bunch cup-full of Special K in her bowl. "Anna. Look around you. Your grumpy old mom was busy cleaning the whole house. I think she's in the basement now, mopping away some dirty cobwebs and all that shit." My eyes wandered around our house. Sam was right, the kitchen and the living room are all free from dust, even the marbles of the kitchen counter where Sam was eating my Special K.

"But why?"

"No sweat. I heard that Marco's visiting." I had to tell her to repeat what she just said. I was certain that this wasn't the type of news that I would expect in this early morning. I was yet to start my Saturday peacefully with no drama involved. My legs felt heavy as I walked around the room. "Why? What does he need? H-He didn't inform me! What the hell!" Sam huffed and eyed me with interest. A grin appeared on her mouth. "You seriously need to chill. Look, if you want me to stab him as soon as he steps into this house, just tell me."As much as I would love to agree with her idea, I need to text him first. No, that's NOT a good idea. Maybe, I should just call him. No, Anna. What the hell are you thinking Sam's right beside you and you're not risking shit. Wait, are the doors locked? Maybe I could just hide until he's away and tell him that I got this rare infectious disease. Yes right, that would be perfect! Rich men wouldn't dare to touch an infected human with their bare hands.

"I can hear you, Anna" Sam spoke behind me. "Look, what could possibly go wrong? I know he hates you but what if his purpose of coming over is to reconcile with you? I mean, that's possible." I glared at her. That's nowhere near possible. Him, talking to me like a sane person and reconciling? Idiocy! "Well, I'm kidding. Come on! Cut me some slack. You know I hate him so much I wanna tear his balls off and pin it somewhere in your house." 

As soon as those words left her mouth, an awkward silence was shared by the both of us. Staring at the front door, I spoke.

"What now?"


hello let's be friends x

leave a comment and tell me what you think about this filler chapter lmao



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