Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:
The Celebration

"C'mon!" Varian laughed as he dragged Carie further to the road, going to the bridge of Corona.

"Whoa! Slow down Varian!" Carie yelped and giggled, mispronouncing Varian's name again.

Varian laughed again.

"You keep mispronouncing my name." He chuckled, slowing down.

Carie slowed her pace too, swinging his and hers intertwined hands back and forth. "It means that I like it that way and I am very special!" Carie jokes about the last sentence that made Varian crack a smile at her.

"But anyways, finally." She breathed out. "Stop running again, I just got healed." Carie half-ly jokes, staring ahead.

"Where is this Corona anyway?" She asks, glancing at Varian's face as he stared ahead too.

"Not far." Varian hums. "Just after a few small hills."

Carie nods, silence passing by.

"Sooooo," Carie starts awkwardly. "While we walk to Corona, why don't you tell me more about yourself. You know, since I lost my memories and all." She quickly added the last one but said it slowly.

Varian nods, agreeing. "Okay."

"My name is Varian and I'm your best friend." He spoke, giving Carie a smile.

"For how long?" Carie pulls herself closer to him, feeling as their arms brush against each other.

Varian shrugs. "Since we were... I dunno, 8?"

"Hm, how old are you now?" Carie jumps over a small rock, pulling Varian lightly with her.

"14." Varian grins.

"So, we were friends for 6 years, if I am correct?" Carie looks over at Varian and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes. Well, almost 6 years. In just some weeks it will be your birthday soon." Varian chuckles, ruffling her hair earning a "Hey!" from Carie.

"And whoa. I never heard you say something formal before." Varian laughed again. "This is new."

"Wait really?" Carie was dumbfounded.

Did Moriette not say such formal things?

"Well at least they aren't bad words.." Carie thinks to herself.

"Anyways," Varian's voice made Carie snap out of her thoughts. "I live with my dad - his name is Quirin - in Old Corona just like you. I study or work with alchemy and I am a known alchemist here." He puffs out his chest proudly that made Carie giggle.

"Oh really?" Carie smirked. "Then, how come I never heard of you through the days?"

Varian got his eyes wide and he raises his hands defensively while glancing at Carie. "Hey, it's not my fault that your mother didn't tell you. She usually tells me that you talk about me a lot, and it's surprising that you don't know me, even if you lost your memories."

Carie blushes and huffs, crossing her arms while looking away from Varian's smug face.

"Anyways, what about your mother?" Carie asks, looking ahead with a straight face.

Varian fell silent.

Carie realized his silence. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Ah! I didn't know this was a touchy subject! I'm so so sorry–!" Carie nervously laughs but gets her voice cut of by Varian.

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