Chapter 2

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Fiddling the strings of my guitar as I watched our servants doing the task that have been handed by our father crunching my nose in disgust from the thought of that man. Ah that gullible man that my brothers called  'father' is nothing but an eyesore to me. Call me rude and impolite for  how I  addressed my father  but that's who he really is to me an eyesore, a man who never trusted his son on something that he is capable about and that sent an irritation on my gut. He still thinks that I'm still his little boy, the boy he thought would always asked for help on his direction and wants to be spoiled by him. The knocking sound of the door broke me from my train of thoughts placing my guitar gently back of its stand as I walked across the room in order to answer the aggravating sound of the door.

Upon opening the mahogany door the sight of my grandfather's soft smile  greeted me on the other side of the screen,

"What favor do you wish to asked from me grandfather?" I asked, it's no surprise for him to just randomly appear on the other side of the door just to greet me. This is one of the reason why I hated this family, power is only the thing that matters to them. "Is it bad for me to visit my favorite grandchild?" he asked smiling down at me clearly amused from how I scowled at his direction while looking upward to face him. "On with the details you atrocious man," said I, clearly annoyed by him for always sugar coating the things that he blabbers and directly asked a favor.  I turned my back at him and began to walk back to my room, feeling his presence trailing behind me ticks me off, standing from the sideline as I watched him roam my room, touching things from the shelves and  tables that aren't supposed to be touched. How imbecilic.

I rolled my eyes at how stupid and gullible he is when he's outside the walls but a demon when he's inside.

"The case" I said loudly when he was about to touched one of my experiments, he turned around smiling like he wasn't about touch the poison that I've been studying for this past few days. 

I watched him as he made his way towards my cabriole sofa, crossing his legs as he sat down, his gentle smile is replaced by a scowl, loving and warm eyes now been replaced by his emotionless one. Facing me who is standing a few inches away from him with the same expression.

Grabbing my guitar, I sat on the other side of the sofa completely ignoring the incredulous look that he is sending to my direction.

"This case is about he sudden death of Don Giorgio Lucchese. The reason why I'm telling you this is because I observed the way you solved the crime a few days ago Tsuna. Your father might disagree with this but I need you to head to Italy Tsuna" and with that I stopped fiddling my guitar and faced my grandfather concealing  my shock expression. "Stop the jesting grandfather" I said clearly annoyed at the same time intrigued by the proposal.

"Do I look like I'm jesting Young Sawada?" He asked now annoyed at how I reacted, rolling my eyes in response I placed my now broken guitar on the ground, "when will I leave then?" I asked resting my chin on the palm of my hand. Facing me he let out a humorless chuckle and handed my passport and the files of the case, " next week" he said standing up, fixing his suit. Nodding slightly as I stood up as well, following the old man in front of me.

"Will I be working with someone?" I asked again like a kid who wants to please their parents, "you'll find out when you get there Young Tsunayoshi" and with that I watched him leave my room, gently shutting the door.

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