ten | towels are a disguise

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Thor grabs two towels from the wall next to him

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Thor grabs two towels from the wall next to him. He throws one at Ingrid before putting one over his head. "What are you doing with that?" Banner points at the towel on his head as Ingrid looks at it with a confused expression, not seeing how a towel is going to be a disguise. "We need a disguise. I'm a fugitive. And Ingrid is an escaped prisoner."

"I need a disguise." Ingrid looked Banner up and down, knowing that not one single person would recognize him. "You are the disguise."

"You were big and green before and now you're unrecognizable." Ingrid points out as she puts the towel over her head. "I'll be Tony Stark." Banner finds a pair of colorful sunglasses in his jacket pocket and puts them on. "What?" Both of the Asgardians question as him as he nods at them with stupid looking glasses on. "Yeah. Tony and the gypsies." Ingrid nodded, thinking the name actually sounded pretty good. "No, no you're not Tony. You're Bruce Banner."

"Then why did you dress me up like Tony?" Ingrid looked at the outfit that looked like this Tony that they kept talking about. Glasses, blazer jacket, Duran Duran shirt, and tight jeans. "Probably because you were naked," Ingrid added causing Thor to gesture over to her seeing as she did have a point. "Okay, I'll give you that." They stand for a moment before the two notice Banner adjusting his crotch.

"What are you doing? Stop doing that!" Thor smacks his hand away causing Banner to defend his actions. "Tony wears his pants super tight!"

"Why are you being so weird?" Ingrid nods as she realizes that his actions are a bit strange and he isn't always this odd."I don't know. Maybe the fact that I was trapped for two years inside of a monster made me a little weird." Banner flashes green and his voice deepens causing Ingrid and Thor to pat him and try and calm him down. They start walking towards the main street with Ingrid leading them again. "Hey. It's okay. You're good. Calm down. Come on. Listen, we're gonna go to Asgard and you're not gonna have to think about the Hulk ever again. All right?"

"All right." Just as he says those words, Banner gets nailed in the face with green powder causing his glasses to become covered. The streets are covered with Hulk's face as well as the crowd chanting his name and throwing green powder into the air. Ingrid turns towards Banner who gets swept into the crowd and she quickly follows him, leaving Thor whose back was turned.

"Banner!" She shouts as she grabs his arm and notices that they are in the middle of the entire street celebration. "Where's Thor?" Banner shouts over to Ingrid who looks around frantically. As she shrugs, Banner runs back into a creature which Ingrid steps in front of with her knife in hand before she is yanked back by Thor who jumps in front of her. But before a confrontation can start, the creature is shocked at the neck before dropping to the ground to reveal Valkyrie standing behind him.

"Val!" Ingrid shouts out in joy as the girl smiles at her before glaring at Thor. "Hi."

"Hi." Valkyrie's eyes pierce into Thor as she glares at him causing him to glance warily at Ingrid who was delighted to see her friend. "I was gonna do that."

"Yeah, well, I did it first." Watch the two as Banner cleaned his glasses on some fabric she had torn off of her outfit which was almost the same as Valkyrie's instead she had a towel over her head. "That's good. What are you doing here?"

"I came to get Ingrid. What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving."

"I got sidetracked and she is coming with me." Valkyrie rolled her eyes before turning to Ingrid and pointing at her head. "What's with the..."

"Thor thought it would be a good disguise as I am a prisoner on the run." Ingrid turned to Thor who smiled at her before facing Valkyrie. "But I can see your face." Valkyrie points out causing Thor to pull the towel across his face. "Not when I do this, you can't. It doesn't work for Ingrid though because any part of her face grabs your attention because she's so beautiful." Valkyrie rolled her eyes as Ingrid blushed and bit her lip causing Thor to smirk at her and follow her as she followed Valkyrie.

"What are those things on her eyes? Are those the people that she's killed? They're both so beautiful and strong..." Ingrid shakes her head as she hears Banner's comments before they continue to walk through the streets. "Who is this guy?" Valkyrie asks Ingrid as she gestures to Banner who followed behind them, looking at the two with wild eyes.

"He's a friend," Ingrid responds with, finding it too complicated to explain who he really is in the streets. The four walk into Ingrid's old Sakaarian apartment building which the Asgardian had missed deeply. It wasn't great, but hey it was better than a cell. "Who? Me? I'm Bruce."

"I feel like I know you," Valkyrie commented causing Ingrid and Thor to make eye contact and to mutually agree that they should keep the whole Banner and Hulk thing between the two of them. "I feel like I know you too" They all take the elevator up to the dingy apartment floor before following Valkyrie who pauses just before they enter.

"Look, I've spent years in a haze trying to forget my past. Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink and forget and to die one day."

"I was thinking that you drink too much, and that probably was going to kill you," Thor added causing Ingrid and Valkyrie to let out a scoff. "I don't plan to stop drinking."

"Don't. It is awful," Ingrid told her causing Valkyrie to nod and smile. "But I don't want to forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm gonna to die, well... it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag. With Ingrid by my side like it was before." Ingrid nodded and the two quickly hug before pulling apart and turning to Thor.

"Good." Thor was just happy that his team was finally coming together and he wasn't going to have to fight his sister alone. "Yeah. So I'm saying that I wanna be on the team. Has it got a name?" Valkyrie asked. "Yeah, it's called the Revengers."

"Revengers?" Ingrid furrowed her eyebrow at the name before looking at Thor who shrugged. "Because I'm getting revenge. You're getting revenge. Ingrid's getting revenge. Do you want revenge?" He turns to Banner who shrugs and waves his hands in front of him. "I'm undecided."

"Okay. The name makes sense." Ingrid says, smiling at Thor who smiled back at her before they turned to Valkyrie who wore a smirk on her face. "Also, I've got a peace offering."

Whew, I am trying to get this down within the next couple of weeks because I just found out I got accepted into the course that I wanted to do and I will be extremely busy with that because now it means that I have 2 courses, school, and work commitments so that'll all start at the beginning of July, hopefully, this will be done by then. And I haven't really been checking wattpad except for writing so if anyone has commented, sorry.

Thanks, Queenie.


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