six | the incredible hulk

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Ingrid attempted to wipe the blood off of her with a cloth as the starter champions returned back to the pits to watch the main fight that they were sure would end in blood

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Ingrid attempted to wipe the blood off of her with a cloth as the starter champions returned back to the pits to watch the main fight that they were sure would end in blood. Whether it would Thor's or the reigning champion was still up for debate. "Grid, I got a bad feeling about this. Oh, you got a finger just-" Korg pointed to a finger which had been caught in her hair during the battle. It was quite depressing that Ingrid was used to finding body parts in her hair with the usual parts being fingers and ears.

"Thanks, Korg. I really hope he doesn't die." Ingrid flicked the finger out of her hair before turning to the arena where the crowd cheered for the main event. All of the gladiators gathered around where she stood and they all watched as the fight was about to begin. "What animals." The crowd disgusted her the most as they cheered for bloodshed and death, something that she had to endure daily. "I'm getting out of here, Korg. Soon."

"Well, my revolution is really taking off. Except all the members are dying so a bit problematic." Ingrid tapped the man made of rocks before hearing the screeching of the speakers being turned on."Wow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. A big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors... who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I. And now, without further ado... it's main event time!! Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen... I give to you...Lord of Thunder!" Ingrid's eyes immediately went to Thor's new haircut which caused her attraction towards him to increase.

She watched as he flipped his helmet down with a sword and shield in hand whilst the crowd booed him. They loved their reigning champion, instantly hating anyone against him. "Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks. Okay, this is it. Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes. He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him." The floor began to thud as they let the champion loose within the arena backstage. Green powder was shot around the arena causing the crowd to go even crazier for the fight.

"He's undefeated. He's the reigning ...He's the defending... Ladies and gentlemen... I give you..." The door slid open as the Hulk was let loose into the arena with Thor who froze for a second before cheering. "Why's he cheering?" Ingrid asked out loud to no one in particular. "He's probably gone insane as he is faced with his own death," Korg responded as the crowd went quiet from Thor's unexpected reaction. Not many people had faith that Thor was going to win.

"Hey! We know each other. He's a friend from work." Thor shouted to the grandmaster before turning back to the Hulk. "Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead. So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer. Like, yesterday, so that's still pretty fresh. Loki! Loki's alive. Can you believe it? He's up there. Loki! Look who it is! Banner, I never thought I would say this, but I'm happy to see you." Ingrid watched the odd exchange with her jaw open which Korg slowly closed for her. The crowd couldn't give two shits about the exchange as they chanted 'Hulk' throughout the arena.

"Banner. Hey, Banner!" Hulk started grimacing as if he was holding something back before taking a step forward towards Thor. "No Banner! Only Hulk!" Hulk started charging towards Thor without hesitation at an insanely fast pace before launching himself into the air. "What are you doing? It's me." Thor dodges out of his attack before being slammed by the Hulks weapon which sends him flying.

"Banner, we're friends. This is crazy. I don't want to hurt you!" Hulk jumps at Thor again, this time kicking him and sending him slamming into a wall. Ingrid watches with a pained expression as she starts to reluctantly accept that fact that Thor will most likely die in that arena. Thor jumps down just in time to avoid Hulk's Warhammer, which hits so hard that it remains lodged in the wall.

With Hulk charging again, Thor tears the Warhammer that was sent flying at him, out of the wall and whacks Hulk with it. Hulk goes crashing into the walls alongside the arena before he ends up on the ground in a pile of rubble. Rubble whacks a few of the prisoners in the head, but Ingrid doesn't tear her eyes from the scene in front of her. "This new Doug is stronger than old Doug." Ingrid nods along with his comment before watching as Thor walked towards Hulk who was sitting up.

As Ingrid watched what seemed to be a genuine moment of trust between the two, she couldn't help but yell out as Hulk grabbed Thor's leg causing him to let out a not so manly yelp. Hulk starts to smash Thor side to side onto the ground. Over and over again before tossing him across the arena causing the crowd to go wild.

Hulk roars and rushes toward Thor who has barely any time to stand up and prepare for the attack. The giant weapons clash! Now Thor and Hulk are fighting Warhammer versus battleaxe... ...and Thor is winning! Ingrid cheers for the god of thunder as he evades all of the attacks and even gets a few hits in. He's getting the better of these.

Growling, Hulk stands up and hits Thor with a straight jab that sends him across the arena. Hulk immediately leaps on top of him and starts pummeling him with punches. "I can't watch this." Ingrid's one hope at finding redemption was being beaten to death and she simply didn't want to watch it, but as she turns, the sound of lighting striking causes her to whip back attention back to the arena.

She watches as Thor shows why he is called the god of thunder as he starts attacking Hulk with electricity. And he's winning. The crowd and the prisoners start cheering for the god of thunder before suddenly he starts shaking down to the ground. Ingrid's eyes go to the electrocution disk in his neck which shined meaning that that was the reason he was on the ground.

Hulk leaped to the top of the arena before he came crashing down onto the God. "Another day. Another Doug." Korg says as all of the prisoners walk away except for Ingrid who stood there looking at the god who was crushed. "Goddammit." Ingrid sheds a quick tear, quickly wiping it and turning back to where all of the others sat in defeat before sitting along with them, feeling just as defeated.

Okay, I know this is pretty much just the fight scene, but I couldn't have just skipped over it so here is basically the same scene from the movie. I can't wait to write Ingrid into Infinity War like I have the whole thing planned out so I'm just trying to get this done. I already have a Peter Parker Infinity War fanfic (shameful self-promo) so it's just getting me more excited for this.

Thanks, Queenie.


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