Mother's Day

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Cera was drawing a picture with her older sister as she was giggling. "J look!" she said as the sibling looked down, smiling as she seen her little sister's drawing of her mother, Nabooru. She had added flowers to the background, drawing some roses and dandelions as well as carnations. "J can you write please?" she ask.

"Sure Cera," She took a color pencil as she wrote in cursive a poem. "Mother is the best, mother been there for us, mother cares for her children, mother raises her daughters. Mother loves us all," the older sister said to Cera.

"It's perfect!" she giggled as she folded the paper up perfectly, and placing it into a envelope. "Mommy is gonna love it!" She handed it to her sister as she held it, writing down 'Mother Nabs' as she sealed the envelope shut. "Now lets go get her a present!"

The older princess picked up Cera as they left the castle, going to a floral shop nearby, a short walk as it was about fifteen minutes away. Cera looked around as she played with her sister's hair, braiding it and ruffling it. "Excuse me," the princess walked inside the small floral shop, seeing all the beautiful flowers in vases.

"Yes my princess?" The worker ask, seeing the young teenager. "What can I help with the Dragmire family?"

"We wanna Get flowers for mommy!" Cera answered, holding the card as she pointed to the name on the front. "Mama Nabs!"

"Queen Nabooru, What would she enjoy?" The worker ask.

"Like Warm Safflinas," J answered. "From the Gerudo Desert."

"I'm sorry we are all sold out. We can get a shipment in by Tuesday?" The worker offered as J and Cera instantly left the shop, going to the nearby stables as J got a horse.

"Sorry Cer, we are going flower picking ourselves." J offered as she grabbed something for her sister to ride in the front, buckling her in as she climbed on, grabbing the reins and going forward to the Gerudo Canyon.

J had her phone in her purse, hearing it ringing as it was her mother calling. J couldn't answer as she went over DigDug Bridge, going to the stable as she parked her horse in the stable, paying the owner the rupees as the two sisters walked through the desert. Cera usually felt sick in the unnatural heat, J having a umbrella over her head to at least attempt to protect her from the harsh rays from the sun.

As they near the town, they saw a sand seal going pass, the king on the shield as he seemed to be in pursuit of Sakura's daughter. "Setra Get back!" he yelled as Cera greeted him.

"Mister King!" she yelled as that made him fall off his shield, his seal diving away as the shield was left in the foot high sands. "I'm sorry!"

"It's alright Princess Cera, What can I help you two with?" he ask, dusting the sand off his riding attire, his hair pulled back into the Voe style.

"We went to a floral shop in Hyrule," J answered as the two walked into town, the little toddler that the king was pursuing taunted him, running to the Gerudo clinic as he groaned. "They said they never got a shipment in about Warm Safflinas for mother."

"They sold out already?" The king intrigued, walking into the palace as he sat down in his throne, his vibrant green eyes shining with curiosity. "I heard Yuya made sure they got shipped off last night."

"They were shipped?!" J looked shock as she set Cera down, the little girl running over to the Gerudo king, tugging on his pants. He lifted her up and sat her on his lap.

"Last night they were, I thought they arrived earlier this morning?" He arched a brow. "We can try and rush another shipment out-"

"No, it's alright. Thank you Your Highness," J sighed. "Sorry for wasting your time."

"I wasn't doing much, I had all my work done, Yuya and Sakura are out of country for the day and I get stuck with the terrible twos." He pointed at two little girls peaking from the stairs. "You know these two very well Jas."

"I do, Setra and Carle, Sakura's daughters," she giggled as Cera hopped off his lap and ran to the girls, chasing them up the stairs as that left J and the king alone.

"You should be heading back or we both can go picking for them." he offered. "I can go put down the girls for their nap and we can head out very soon. You can get change in my quarters."

"Thank you." J bowed as they both went up the stairs, seeing the three girls in the hallway. The king picked up the twins as J grabbed her sister's hand, walking to Sakura and Yuya's quarters as the king laid the twins in the bed as J placed Cera with them, tucking them all in.

"Stay here and don't bother anyone," he told the young girls. "We are gonna be back in an hour and your mommies will be back soon," J notice he had a slight accent, kinda adorable. "Take a nap and when you wake up and when we are back, I'll give you a treat."

"Tweet!" Setra giggled as she clapped her hands, the king folding her glasses onto the nightstand, looking at the vase next to the lamp. J noticed him seeing it, wondering if he had a sentimental feeling to it.

After Jas got changed, the king set her up with a sand seal as he got his, both heading out as they scanned for the native desert flowers, finding none as the king had an idea. "Princess Jas, I can give you mine." he said, sitting in shade of a canyon as they sat against the wall. "I set some out for my mother's grave, just honoring her."

"I don't want to do that to you-"

"It's alright. You have Nabooru, I'm okay." he told her as he got up. "Cmon, I'll take you. Or you'll get frightened. Are you scared of graves?"

"Not really," She got up and got back on her shield, following the king as he knew where he was going, leading her there as the seals stopped as they got scared. J noticed the king tensing up as he got off, going to the grave that had Warm Safflinas in a vase, buried into the sand for it to hold it and erode the vase. "My King, I can't take these."

"I told you, you have Nabooru." he repeated as he took the flowers out of the vase and handed them to the Hyrule princess. "Take then as a gift from the Gerudo King please."

"Thank you King N-"

"You're welcome. Now, let's get back for you to make it back." The king guided her back to town as Cera was still asleep but the twins active. "Great, just great."

"Good luck," Jas picked Cera up as she started leaving town, feeling something around her shoulders from the king. "Royal robes?"

"You are Gerudo royalty and these are from the past when you were fourteen," he explained. "Have them. They're rightfully yours."

She nodded as she hugged him gently before leaving, seeing a dragon landing as she could hear Sakura laughing as well as her husband. Jas got back to the Castle around dinner, running inside as Cera was up.

"Mom! Mama!" The two girls yelled as Nabooru was about to take a bite to eat, seeing a card slid in front of her as well as the flowers. "Happy Mother's Day!"

"Thank you girls, you aren't the only ones who gave me these. Daddy bought out the floral shop for this flower," Nabooru kissed Jas's forehead as well as her little girl, opening the card and reading the poem. "This is beautiful girls. Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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