𝟸장: 투옥 된 (ɪᴍᴘʀɪsᴏɴᴇᴅ)

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My alarms comes on and I turn over and turn it off. I get up and get ready for school. I had a quiz today so thank god I slept early. I walk out of my room and my mom had the table set for breakfast.

"Mama, why are you so amazing?"

"You deserve the best, sweetie"

"I love you, mama"

"I love you more, darling"

I sit down and eat before I leave for school. Once I get to school I go find Sohee. Of course she would would be in the cafeteria stealing all the breakfast.


"Baejin, my best friend, how are you?"

"What do you want?"

"Whattt? I don't want anythinggg."


"Wellll, could you go a get breakfast and give it to me? Heh"

"Fine, only because I love you."


After Sohee eats we head to our classes.


     I leave to go home. I love walking back to my house. I always loved looking at the views around me. The nature around us was under appreciated by everyone, but I loved it so much. It was peaceful and so beautiful, it was the one place I didn't have to worry about anything. I could just relax. Although the relaxing stopped when a tall, skinny man with black hair that went a little below his eyes, came up to me.

"Help me!" he shouted.

"What is it sir??"

"My brother! He was hit by a car, please help me! I need to get him to the hospital."

"Okay okay I'll call 911, let's go back to your brother!"

         We run a bit down the road and he told me that he had to pull his brother into an alleyway because of the traffic. We get to the alleyway.

"Where is he?" I asked

"He's not here?"

"No!"  I shout with worry.

"I could have sworn he was right here." He says with a calm voice.

"Why are you calm!?! You're brother is missing!!" I yelled, and that's when it hit me.

         He only said this to get me here, but before I can run he picks up a rock and swings it.


        My eyes open slightly and my head is throbbing. I sit up and I'm confused as to where I am. I couldn't remember what happen. I look down at my feet for a second to see that I am chained to a bed that's when I remembered everything. I look around and I appear to be in some room, no windows, just a door, bed, and a bucket. I get up and walk to the door, I tried to open, but, as I thought, it was locked.

"Hello?!is anyone out there?? Please don't hurt me! I'll give you whatever you want!!"  I shout

"What I want is for you to be quiet. Some people are trying to sleep."

"Please, sir, don't hurt me!!"

"I'm not going to. Unless you try to escape then you won't be breathing. Got it?"

"What do you want??"

"To shut up."

"Please sir.."

I hear him approach the door and I run back to my bed. He unlocks the door and the same guy from earlier walked in.

"Listen. I understand that I kidnapped you and you're afraid, but some people need to sleep and they can't do that with you flapping those annoying lips!"

"Please sir, let me go."

"That isn't going to happen so just shut up."

"Then please tell me why you kidnapped me??"

"Ugh! Because you will be my slave. Whatever I tell you to do you will do, or I will kill your parents. Now please SHUT UP!"

He walks out slamming the door shut and locking it. I wrap my arms around my knees and I try to not cry. I would never see my parents again. My best friend. No one. I was all alone and now I had no freedom. I was a slave. Would I always be locked up in here? Would I ever get to feel the energy of nature again?

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