A Place I Go

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 Before you read this, please, play the song in the sidebar. And when the song finishes, play it again. These two things, my words and it's music go together. I took lyrics from it and put it in here. So please. Listen to this song.


There is a place I go to when I seek seclusion. It is my place, belonging only to me, myself, and I. And it is my paradise.

The silence is thick but peaceful, no amount of tension. The quiet is so wonderful; that you feel as if letting your soul go would be acceptable. A sacredness lies upon it, covering everything in a light blanket of privilege. There is no other feeling like it, than this sentiment that comes with entering this privileged enclosure.

The grass is cool, yet not cool enough to cause discomfort. The blades are gentle on your feet, and do not scrape or pull. You take cautious steps forward; your expression guarded as you question the beauty around you. Then, you must look up. Tilt your head high, for what you are about to see is not a lie in it’s largeness.

 What you see before you is like no other. This monument, this beautiful creation is in the form of a tree. Not just any species of tree, no this tree is far more important. This tree’s branches reach to the farthest points of the universe. It holds all of the universes ever to exist, whether imaginary or real.

In awe, you take two more tentative steps forward. Large roots at the base of the tree are waist-high, and the weathered bark is half covered by padded moss. The serenity is soul stilling.

 Then, you hear an angelic voice pierce the silence with a voice so beautiful you hear everything in the enclosure stop to listen.

 Mornie utulie,

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie atlanti

A promise lives within you now

 And with this seraphic voice, comes these creatures. At first, you look to the brush, and all you see is a faint glow. Then one, maybe two finally apprehensively peek out. They are like jellyfish, floating easily through the air. Their glow is neon, a bright translucent cyan. They finally fully emerge, swimming through the air with all of their limbs. More return from hiding, and a genuine smile moves across your face. They fill the air around you; as some absently circle your body, close enough to touch.

 May it be the shadow’s call

Will fly away

May it be you journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun

The serenity and contentment you felt before is now nothing compared to the feeling of happiness inside of you. Overwhelming happiness, and as you are almost drowned in it, you feel no worry or doubt. Wave after wave of gentle surf, and as you float aimlessly, you do not struggle.

 And you look up once again at the monument of a tree that gently bares its branches to all kinds of universe. And the creatures of light have alighted on its branches, giving all parts of the tree a beauteous cyan glow. Every single leaf, tinted an elegant shade of blue.

You lie down to look at the entire scenery. And that serenity and contentment, that euphoria is incomparable. And that otherworldly voice vibrates within you, touching every sensor within your body. Close your eyes. And listen to it’s radiance. For now, you are at peace.

 Mornie utulie

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie atlanti

A promise lives within you now

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