Random author's note: Sorry I'm a hot mess

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So I have been getting a lot of comments lately on here from people noticing the many flaws my writing has. The people who have read the third book know that this trilogy is unfinished. 

To be honest, part of the reason I have gone into hiding is the anxiety and vulnerability I feel from publishing things. Writing has always been an outlet, a release for my thought that comes from a creative space. I have no will to make this into a career; I know I have a penchant for typos and rookie mistakes. I also struggle with anxiety, and at some point, I abandoned this story to deal with my life and mental health. I still write but don't post or publish unless it's perfect. I've had a rough year personally, and you might notice I disappeared from Wattpad. I do, however, read every comment even if I don't reply. It does mean a lot to me to get feedback, even if I don't always have the time and energy to follow your good advice. I know you come from a place of constructive love, as most writing communities function in that way. 

I do want to come back to this story. I want to go back and edit this story, so the grammar and details might change. Once I finish polish what I have already written, I do hope to finish it off.

Stay tuned, there will be changes. I am trying.

Thanks for reading and commenting.  

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