H&H Chapter 6: Hades

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“Hello Macy,” Hades said. “Did you have a nice visit with Eros? I am sure he’ll be calling me tomorrow. He’s quite possessive of you, isn’t he?”

“Hello,” I said meekly. I felt uncertain of myself now, here, back in Hades’ room. He was wearing just a pair of pants, and I felt extremely uncomfortable with just the sight of his bare chest. I’d never actual seen a man, or a god, naked before. Oh God, I am in over my head.

“Let’s have a drink,” Hades said. “You look terrified. Don’t worry Macy, I won’t hurt you.”

“Ok,” I said, relaxing a bit. I was doing this for Gabe.

“You’re quite a soul, Macy Castille,” Hades said, sitting down on his bed. “You’re willing to give so much to those you love, and you’re so pure. Well, you’ll be a little less pure after tonight…”

“Can we not,” I said. “Perhaps, we could talk about something other than what is going to happen. You know, small talk?”

“Ah, you wish to be wooed a little bit,” Hades said, his eyebrows raised.  

“No, I just would feel more comfortable if you weren’t a stranger I think."

I forced myself to sit down on the bed beside him, barely inches apart. It was sort of like sticking my toes into the water, moving slowly closer to Hades. I had to do it eventually.

            “I’m an open book,” He said, smiling. Maybe he wasn’t so awful, entirely. Then again, maybe he was pretending to be nice.

“Ok, how did you become lord of the underworld? Or were you just, always lord of the underworld?”

“It’s a long story,” Hades said. “When the Olympians overthrew the Titans, I was given the underworld. It appears I was well suited to the position.”

“Ah,” I said. “What, who are the titans?”

“Don’t they teach you mythology in schools these days, Macy?”

“Not in cancer school,” I said. “I learned a lot about how to avoid dying, which was pretty futile in retrospect.”

“I apologize, Macy,” Hades said. “Helena was once different, kinder. Centuries of reaping and living in the underworld changes a soul.”

“But you…love her?”

“I suppose so,” Hades said. “It’s twisted, but I’d call it love. I suppose you know a thing or two about loving someone who doesn’t always make the right choices. We are alike Macy, our faith in our beloved will destroy us both.”

“I think Gabe wants to be good,” I said. “Hades, did you ever think maybe Helena is the one who should be fighting for you?”

“Of course, but the heart wants what it wants.”

“So you think this, tonight, will bring her back to you.”

“Well, jealousy is a strong motivator,” He said. “And you Macy, are very beautiful. Surely, you know that.”

“I don’t,” I said. “I still feel like a sick little girl sometimes.”

            “But you’re not, you’re a woman now,” He said. “I can see it, your naïve nature is fading. You’re growing up.”

“Is that good?” I asked him.

“I think it is just the way of the universe,” Hades said. “Some things are just destined, and you can’t question if they are good or bad. You can’t fight it, so why analyze it. Growing up, death, being here with me…”

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