Chapter 11: Evan

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My phone buzzed, and both Gabe and I just looked at each other.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"You have to answer the call, Macy. If you insist on continuing your work, then you have to do that."

His words were heavy. Surprising me, Gabe actually wanted me to become Eros' ward. His words rung in my ears. I'd rather you be with another man than be trapped in the underworld. He may have been willing to give up on us, but I wasn't. I still believe we were worth fighting for, my soul was worth fighting for. And as much as I hated being a specialist, I would hate being Eros' reluctant ward more. Yes, he was very sweet in his affections, but I didn't love Eros. I never would.

"We will be fine," I said. "We know Helena is coming for me, so we'll be prepared."

"But what if it isn't Helena? Macy, oracles don't lie. I thought I'd beaten their prediction, that I'd saved you. But sure enough, you died Macy. They were right."

"But you never know," I said. "I won't just give up. The oracle didn't mention how my death would bring us together or help my parents reconcile. I refuse to believe that only bad will come."

"Well, then read the message," Gabe said, his eyes avoiding mine.

I opened it, my eyes scanning the words with surprise. For once, I knew exactly who my target was.

"Oh my god," I said, my voice catching.

"What is it now? A priest and a nun? Another sketchy politician?"

"No," I whispered. "It's Evan Andrews. He was my..."

My voice trailed off, a memory hitting me from just before my death.

Evan had been my best friend, my closest confident. He was the only person from my school who'd visited me in the hospital, ever. Right before I'd had my transplant surgery, he'd visited me and brought me flowers. He looked handsome as ever, blonde hair brushing his glasses. Sure, he wasn't a strapping jock, but he was kind and his smile was sweet. He sat down by my bed, and I sighed.

"You should have come Evan. I look like a train wreck and I'm on a ton of meds."

"You look beautiful, Macy. I miss you at school, everyone does."

"You're the only one who visits. All my girlfriends from choir, volleyball, they stopped when my hair fell out."

"They got complacent," Evan said. "But you have me, you always will, ok? I brought you something."

I had barely even noticed the gift bag, too out of things to be observant. He pulled out a fluffy white teddy bear, handing it to me.

"I can't be with you in the surgery, but I can give you this bear. I think you should name him Evan."

"That's a bit narcissistic, don't you think," I laughed, hugging the bear. "Thank you Evan, I love it."

I smiled, almost saying a different set of words. In that moment I felt a flush of emotion, and for the first 1ime, I saw just how cute he was. Not that he'd ever be into me.

"Macy, did you know prom is in six months?"

"No," I replied softly.

"I looked it up," he replied. "Macy, if you're up to it by then, I want to take you."

"But I might still be bald..."

"I don't care, Mac. I just want you."

"Evan," I whispered. "Thank you."

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