ERICK---- soon to be pt.2

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dinner was always my favorite part of the day and helped me think and it was relaxing for me. I always loved to cook but never proceeded a professional job at it so now I just enjoy it as a hobby.

I was preparing some lasagna since I was really craving it. As I was waiting for it to cook in the oven I was setting the table.

As I was getting the plates down from the cabinet there was a pain on the lower part of my stomach started to hurt. I was scarred I'm alone Erick is currently at work and my phone is at my bedroom.

I turned off the stove and walked quickly to the bedroom I was terrified. I called Erick but no one answered.

Why isn't he answering?

With shaky hands I called him one more time. In the 4th ring he picked up.

"What's wrong I was in the middle of recording." As he finished the sentence a pain that was much more harsh came into my lower stomach area causing me to hunch over and yell in pain.

"Whats wrong are you okay?"

"Erick babe" taking a deep breath "that baby's coming."

The other side went dead silent and I heard the sound of a door slamming shut. Footsteps and yells for Erick to come back but he left.

Ignoring the slight pain I got the already packed bags out of the closet and grabbed a sweater.

As I was taking the bags out to the pain started to kick back in making me haunch over and lay on the bed.

I was so concentrating on my breathing that I didn't hear the door open. "Oh my gosh are you dead?" I opened my eyes to the sound of his voice. Erick was standing there hair all over the place and out of breath.

"No I'm not dead you idiot but if you just stand there and do nothing then I probably will." He hurried and grabbed the bags but not after helping me up.

We walked out the door and we were just st seeing the car was really irritating me.

"Uhh Erick. Where in the fuck is the car." The pain was so bad I couldn't handle it and not

"I.. I forgot it at work." If this were a cartoon my head would of exploded off already I'm so done with everything.
"So you're telling me you ran all the way here to your pregnant wife without a car why do I need you for?" I dropped the bags and sat on the group d
"What are you doing?" He frantically starts making his way to me.
"Erick my feet are killing me." He was about to say something but was cut off by the sound of a car making it's way to us.
"Erick I swear how can you be a was when you can't get things right." Richard was in the front seat of Ericks car.
Hurriedly Erick helped me off the ground and took me inside the car. He grabbed the bags and we headed to the hospital.
The contractions were getting a bit harder for me to handle. Everyone a sound came out of my mouth Ericks trip on my hand would tighten. It didn't ease my pain but it did ease my worries.
Whatever happened he would be by my side.
Going to the hospital seems like a blur next thing I know I'm being taken to a room doctors everywhere but I still feel Ericks hold on my hand.
"I'm scarred" I admitted to him the reality of all of this was setting in the pit of my stomach.
"Everything will be alright, I'll be here for whatever you need." Nodding to him I started to feel the contractions worsen as the time went by.
The minutes felt so slow as the pain started to strike more and more painful. I wanted to be done with everything but I knew it would be worth it and laying here with the pain would just have to do.
2 hours and then it was 3 I was starting to lose hope but Ericks hand held mine and it made to keep on try iing and trying. "Okay you're almost done don't give up!"
Everything went by so fast because before I knew it a cry was heard in the room. My head was feeling so heavy I started to sway but I couldn't go to sleep just yet I needed to see her face.
"Look at her baby she's ours she's our kid." Erick said as he held the little princess up.

"Yeah babe but I'm feeling tired." My eyes fluttered shut as a wave of the future tiredness overcame me.
"Its okay baby when you wake up well be here rest well my angel."standing there.

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