28. Betrayal

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Confirming Chase Colter's identity as the would-be assassin led to a lot of pieces falling into place. Other incriminating evidence began to present itself, once I knew what I was looking for. Evidence that incriminated the Bell family in the same treasonous plot.

I'd discovered a secret munitions manufacturing plant tied to Arthur Bell financially. It wasn't the proverbial smoking gun, seeing as the Bells were once private military contractors, but if I could prove that this plant was the origin of the bullet used to try to kill me, well, they'd have a hard time arguing against it.

I'd also uncovered some less damning but still suspicious activity. Large amounts of money funneled through an obvious shell corporation. A stockpile of high-grade military equipment. Unexplained absences and falsified work records. A top-secret communication network.

I was confident I'd be able to get Avery's location out of them somehow. The prospect of finally neutralizing the rebellion and being reunited with the girl I loved was tantalizing. There was just one minor hurdle to get through before I could do that — Balthazar's reaction. I'd gotten notice of his arrival at the palace. He'd be storming into my office in 3...2...1...

The door slammed open. Balthazar was nothing if not punctual.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled.

I put up a placating hand. "Why don't you take a look at the proof before you throw around accusations, alright?"

I slid a printed copy of the investigation report across my desk. Balthazar snatched it up, snarling with distaste. His face was full of skepticism as he began to read, but it slowly faded into dismay as he turned the pages. I waited patiently as for him to finish reading. By the time he did, Balthazar's already pale face was white as the paper he held.

"How did you find all this out?" he asked.

"A hot tip from a witch," I admitted. "She was able to tell me who the Empress shooter was."

"Chase Colter," Balthazar spat the name as if it were a curse. "To think that I'd protected him... Nathaniel, I truly am sorry for my oversight in this matter."

I merely shrugged. Balthazar must've felt horrendous enough already. No reason for me to add to the guilt. "Who could have guessed that the upstanding Bell family and their associates were violent rebels?"

Balthazar's brow creased in thought. "Who was this witch exactly?"

That was a topic I did not want to address today. Especially not to him. "All I can say is that it wasn't Daphne Sinclair."

Balthazar looked relieved for a brief moment before his face turned grim once again. "If you do anything at all, then please spare their children."

He was talking about the young twins, Aaron and Ashton. Lydia Bell was a legal adult, and thus fully responsible for her own actions. "I can't rule anything out. We'll have to question them to see what they know. If the Bells had any decency, then they wouldn't have allowed their children to be complicit in their plot."

Balthazar pinched the bridge of his nose. "This is a disaster."

"No, Balthazar," I said firmly. "This may very well be the end of the rebellion."

Disbelief was still plain on his features. I couldn't blame him. Finding out that the family who served him faithfully for years were actually traitors to the crown must weigh heavily upon him.

"I need to ask you not to get involved in this investigation," I told him. "You're far too close to this."

Balthazar nodded absently, his mind elsewhere.

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