Chapter 6

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I'm The Good Girl, He's the Bad Boy. Your Typical Love Story...I Think Not

Chapter 6:

"No," both of my parents yell as I proposed to them the idea of Kane staying with us.

"But-" I was cut off by my parents.

"No, honey we cannot let a boy live in our household, the same household that our own 17 year old daughter lives in," my dad says.

"But come on dad, he's only 19," I tell him hoping he'd understand.

"Oh yeah only 19, no big deal," my dad said sarcastically. I turn to my mom pouting slightly and giving her my killer puppy dog eyes.

"Please mom, he has no where to go," I tell her. I watch her sigh and look at my dad. I don't know how but they can just look into each others eyes and understand what the other is saying. They both nod and turn to look at me.

"Fine but if I find that boy in your room after 9 he's out and if I see you guys doing anything inappropriate like I said once again he's out of the house, got that?" My dad says. I squeal loudly and hug both of them and all they do is shoo me out.

I put on a pair of soffes and a tank top, stuffing my feet in my Keds before heading off to the grocery store. When I had texted Kane, he told me he's once again working today so I was off to meet him.

Getting into my car, I'm off. Only to be caught in traffic right outside my neighborhood. I growl in frustration and get out of the car wondering what the hell happened. I see a bunch of police cars and an ambulance. I push through the crowd that had crowded around what seems to be a trashed car. As I break through the crowd finally, my breath catches in my throat. Lying on the stretcher is a unconscious Kane.


Sorry it's short. Forgive me!?

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