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Isaac and the others went to the school ( because class was still going ) and Peter and Derek went to find a map to any locations Stiles would be.

Derek was going to go to the sheriff station and Peter was going someplace else. Derek hoped that the police wont  arrest him.

Derek and saw Sheriff Stlinski and started to walk up to him. He got stopped by a hand on his shoulder he turned around to see it was Peter.

" Peter what are you-" Derek stopped and  looked at his hand and saw a map shape in his hand.
" C'mon lets go " 

Derek and Peter arrive back to the loft and find Alison ,Lydia ,  Scott , Isaac , Erica , Boyd , Jackson and Isaac and his little friend Alice. 

" Did you get the map ? " Scott asked and Derek pointed to Peter hand.
" Lets get to it " Scott tells everyone and heads over to the table. 
Derek grabs the map from Peter and lays it across the table and faces to Alice.
" Al-Alice is it " Derek asks with what Isaac thought was a threating look.
" Yes Alice Simions " She tells Derek and looks at him
" So you know about Werewolves ? " Derek questions her while already knowing the answer.
He got a look from everyone else like why would you ask that.
" You're Werewolves ? " Alice asked 
Isaac turns his head 
" Ye-Yeah " 
" And you need my help because?" Isaac decide to answer it.
" Be-Because i d-dont know  Scott or Alison" Scott was about to start but Alison filled in for him
Um , Because we feel like your the only one who can hellp us and plus you know so much about us already" Alison explained hopping she would catch on.
" Um Okay well lets get circling" 

They spend untill nightfall till they decided which ones he could be at. Lydia , Jackson ,Erica , Boyd and Isaac.

" Um " Alison yawned " What are the chances of him not being in Beacon Hills"
" Alison your tired go to sleep" Scott told her before she went off she told Scott to join her and he did.
Derek watched them go and ask Alice if she was tired.
" Nah im used to it " Alice told Derek and she pointed to the next likely place and Derek and Peter looked at it.
" The School? " Peter looked at her.
" Why not they have a basement dont they or-" Alice told the marker and crossed off all the places in town.
" What are you doing? " Derek asked her. He was a little angry he did all that circling for nothing.
" Stiles--Stiles kidnappers wouldnt have taken him somewhere local it would be around here" Alice got the marker and made a big cirlce connected with some of the house.
" So in a way Alison is right Stiles isnt in Beacon Hills he somewhere outside" 
Derek went around the table and hugged her.
" I can see why Isaac likes you" Derek told her and was heading upstairs
" Did he? " Alice asked.
" Yeah c'mon we'll search some of the houses right now" Derek told her and turn his head to Peter.
" Stay here with them and if they tell them we found Stiles " 
" Not Yet dont get your hopes up" Peter told his nephew.
" Bye Peter" 
" The door's that way Derek" Peter tells Derek but he shouts back
" I have to get something" 
Derek returns with a small box and puts it in his front pocket.

" Lets Go Alice" 

Herre you guys the next chapter will be interesting and it might be the last

Sorry :c 

What Am I Going To Do ( A Stiles and Derek Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now