Chapter 7 ~ Call Me Crazy

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Pure Bliss ~ Chapter 7 ~ Call Me Crazy

Recap: Dylan Heart was a werewolf.


Dylan’s P.O.V.

Lucas was going to kill me. Sure, he wasn’t throwing a hissy-fit yet, but it was only a matter of time.

I couldn’t believe how utterly stupid and careless I was! I should’ve known I would lose my cool the second Matt mentioned the word fight. At least I’d managed to get home before I changed in front of the entire school. But even then, I messed up big time. Bliss followed me home, and now she knows my secret. She knows I’m a werewolf. Pretty soon she’ll start screaming and freaking out, and Lucas and I will need to move to another town again. It was always my fault we had to move! This wasn’t the first time I’d been careless enough to let someone see me shift.

Stupid. Idiot. Moron. As I stared into Bliss’s blue eyes, waiting for the screams to start, I repeatedly insulted myself, wanting to rewind time. But her screams never came. Instead, she slowly backed up toward my bedroom door. Her chest was rising and falling so fast, I was afraid she might faint. I was surprised she didn’t scream, because she looked so sick with fear. She was looking at me like I was a monster ready to attack, which made me feel sick myself.

Everyone that knew Lucas and my secret thought we were monsters, some sort of thing that was evil and desired to kill everything in sight. Even when we weren’t in wolf form they thought that. But it really wasn’t like that. I’ve only ever hurt one person that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was the first time I changed, though. That was before I knew I had to control my temper. I wasn’t a monster. Yeah, I was dangerous-- you didn’t want to piss me off, but I was no evil murderer.

Lucas suddenly realized that Bliss was going to leave. His eyes bulged before he sprinted forward and grabbed Bliss’s arm, stopping her. She flinched when he made contact with her, and her eyes jerked to him.

“Let go.” I barely heard her plea. She kept looking at us sharply, afraid we would do something to stop her.

Lucas didn’t let go of her arm as he softly said, “Can we please explain ourselves before you go?” He slightly raised his eyebrows, giving her an innocent puppy-dog look. I could tell she was unsure of what to do. Her instinct was most likely demanding she run away, but she was curious. I could see it in her eyes.

“I…” she paused, meeting my gaze. “Okay. Talk.”

Lucas sighed in relief, and I felt like a heavy weight was just lifted off of my chest. There was a chance, a sliver of hope left. We might not have to move again. We might be able to convince Bliss not to tell the cops or her mom or anyone.

I opened my mouth but realized I had no idea how to start this conversation. My eyes landed on Lucas, silently urging him to begin.

He cleared his throat. “I’m sure that you’re very confused right now.” She slowly nodded, frowning at him. He continued, “But you’re okay now. No more hallucinations. Now, I’m not going to tell your mother, but you really should steer clear of drugs, Bliss.”

Her eyes widened in fury and my mouth dropped in outrage. She yanked her arm out of his grasp. “Don’t try to convince me I’m on freaking drugs, Lucas Heart! I’m not an idiot,” she snapped.

“You’re dreaming?” Lucas quietly offered.

She glared at him. “I came in this room to see a wolf. And that’s not the scariest part! The wolf transformed into your brother!” Her gaze went to me. Her expression held fear, confusion, and a tiny bit of curiosity. I stared into her eyes as she calmly said, “You’re a werewolf.”

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