Tomorrow Never Knows

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Author's Note -

        Hi! This is Hannah, you might know me from my instagram, previously @/wtfcats and currently @/ringotoni. You might be here because I posted the first chapter of my story there asking for feedback- THANK YOU for all your support, and thank you for coming here to read the story!

         I'm still in the early stages of developing the story so there may be a few bugs I'll have to work out and such, but stick with me and I'll try to make it worth your time. For one thing, I might add a prologue in here, but I'm not quite sure yet. My other option is adding things in flashbacks. If you have any preference over which you'd like to see you're welcome to leave a comment below or message me on here or my instagram or something.

        I'm also new to wattpad so I'll probably have some figuring out to do with how this site works and everything as well. Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for reading and I hope you enjoy the story. If you like it don't forget to like it or favorite it or vote or whatever it is you're supposed to do on this site, and tell your friends to read it too! 

                                                                        -Hannah :)

Tomorrow Never KnowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora