Part 18

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A/n: this is a long chapter (according to me) two things to say, one there's a song in the later half, if you want to listen plug in your earphones and keep your WiFi or data on, I strongly recommend to listen to it, but then again it's your wish. Two the next chapter of this ff is also posted. Go ahead and read. Thanks.

Next day Swara got up thinking how she was wrapped in the blanket but then looks at Sanskar who was sleeping on the bed.

She pinched herself and screamed "ouch!" This was enough to wake Sanskar up. He got up sleepily and looked at Swara who was rubbing her arm.

"What happened Swara?" He questioned her getting up from the bed and walking towards her.

"I thought I was hallucinating, so I pinched myself to see whether or not you are really here. So..." Swara rubbed her arm with a pout. Sanskar looked at her with a 'seriously' look.

"I m sorry, I disturbed your sleep. But you were supposed to come today evening right. When did you come back?"

"Yeah my work got over yesterday night so I came back at night itself and you all were sleeping so I didn't disturb you."

"Okay I'll freshen up and get you something to eat. You look tired anyways."


After breakfast all sat together and spoke random stuff and discussed about their work and other things. After leaving SwaSan alone at home Nik and Uttara left.

Sanskar tried to find out about Swara's fear but she didn't tell him anything. At night again she was getting nightmares now Sanskar was really confused and concerned about her condition. He thought to take her to the doctor in the morning.

Next day
"You're coming with me to the doctor. I know you get nightmares."

"Sanskar please no. I don't want to go to the doctor."

"I m not letting this topic drift so easily. You know how much you cry in your sleep, you mummer something and that fear is always there."

"It's okay Sanskar, it's due to horror movies nothing else. Don't worry."

"Are you kidding me? Seriously! Who are you fooling?"

"Sanskar please, I don't want to discuss about this, I don't want to get that. No more arguments."

"Why but? I want to know"

"Why do you bother? Eventually I will leave then who will know what I will go through? For sometime this problem might stop but later on? Who will take care of me? After divorce will you come to see me? No right, so don't bother now also."

Saying so she left him alone. She wanted to be alone. He wanted to go behind her question her again but he stood there rooted, she was right somewhere? Or was he suppose to go to her. Questions roaming in his mind, divorce, nightmares, concern, everything at once. Headaches started again.

Two days later SwaSan were sitting in the hall, they hadn't spoken after that day. The door bell rang, only to spot Kavita on the other side.

When she entered, she hugged Swara tightly. Then greeted Sanskar and sat there. Sanskar got some water for her and was going to his room leaving the sisters to have their own chat but was stopped by Kavita.

"Sanskar, listen" he turned and waited for her to begin.

"Actually, baba called and has asked us to come to Delhi, after marriage we haven't seen him nor mom. So can we go there, at least for few days? Please?"

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