No Capes

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“Why wear a mask?” I whispered as my fingers brushed the satin garment that revealed only his enigmatic eyes. 

“No one can find out my real identity,” He replied, his gaze pouring into mine, “Anyone could be behind this mask. Besides, it keeps me safe."

I held my breath, realizing just what could happen if he left the city. How that would change everything. “Okay,” I continued, letting the cool drizzle of the nighttime air soak my skin, “I suppose that’s pretty standard… but why not wear a cape? Don’t superheroes usually wear capes?”

He cracked a boyish grin and took a step away from me, like he’d suddenly inherited a windfall of energy. “Nah. Not unless they want a death wish. Capes are hazardous for your health, Madeline.” He looked me directly in the eyes, and I suspected he was about to divulge his best advice so far. “No capes.”

Can i just begin by saying, what if all the books we read like The Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson, The Lunar Chronicles, Divergent ect, were true, and we had shadowhunters, halfbloods ands lunars walking on Earth, that would be pretty freaken cool. But not that cool considering all the wars and battles they have would rain destruction on us... 

Okay, back on topic. No Capes. This book is a must have in your library. I mean it. A MUST HAVE. The summary doesn't tell you much about this book but I praise the day I decided to read it. It's filled with humor, action, and romance. It's not completed, but I am dying for the next chapter to come out. I love it that much. It deserves to be published. (Once it's done.) Simple as that.

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