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Birds stretch dark wings

And lay claim to the sky

Energy flares and slithers

Untameable fire

And light that never dies despite any constraint

Children playing, dreaming

Curiosity insatiable and methods adaptable

Magic moving of its own will

Creating death, life, and chaos

The achievement comes with high prices

Surrendering freedom of a select few

To keep the rest intact--

That's all there is to pay

We'd all fork it over in a heartbeat

"It'll never happen to me."

And then it does

Because you're not a fucking genius

Because you're not immune to the fuck up of life

Because I'm stupid

And lost my wings, my curiosity, and adaptability

Because my freedom was ripped away

Trampled through the mud

And turned against me as a weapon of mass destruction

Tastes of the living is all I'm allowed

Of the freedoms had by the majority

I don't hate the free for it

Instead I hate the assumption that we are all free

I get to step into normalcy

Enjoy small comforts and affections

But it will always end

As my masters exercise their reign

Sending me on the run again

Because even though I'm fighting to be free

Being a fugitive is being a slave to fear

The farther I go

The more unbreakable these chains become

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