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No more noise

Vibrating my skin

Resurrecting memories

Silence drops

Like a lady in agony

Needing my antidote

But this antidote

It makes noise

It illuminates my skin

All the memories

Nausea--my stomach drops

In this hell, in this agony

Voice wrecked with agony

Where's the antidote

To stop the noise

To stop myself from leaving gashes in my skin

I can't stop the memories

My sanity drops

The rain drops

Build, making clouds hover in stuffed agony

Like tears bursting, they just need an antidote

The thunderous noise

Red droplets on my skin

Who knew pain would fill these memories

Gods, I miss the days when memories

Didn't craft tear drops

Didn't wreak agony

The thought of you--of home--was my antidote

All your noise

Soothed my quivering skin

Now it makes me drive the blade harder into my skin

Trying to escape these memories

Pretending I can expel you like a cloud does rain drops

This existence of perpetual agony

Death may be the only antidote

But I don't think I could stand the silent noise

I miss your noise, I miss your skin on mine

Thinking of you my stomach drops and I fall into agony

I'll never release these memories--I fear they will be my only antidote

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