P.E. and Practice

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P.E. has been my favorite class ever sence I was little. It was was I did best, I didn't have to think, just do. I noticed the other day that the blonde from the hallway also happens to be in my pe class. I couldn't seam to get rid of her.
         Today we were playing basketball, boys against girls. There were some really good players on the girls team but me and Marcus were co. Captains of the varsity boys team last year so we were pretty sure we had them beat.
5 minuets in to the game and the boys already had 3 points. I looked around to see where laurel was but instead I saw the girl from before. She was wearing our school sweats and pe shirt. Wow she had a nice ass, in fact she had a really and I mean really great body. Her long blonde curly hair was tied up in to a high poney, different from the low poney she had the last couple times I had seen her. She was biting on her lip, a habit she probably did when she was deep in thought or worried about something. Sports must not be her thing.
She ran up to the hoop and someone passed the ball to her, I watched her wondering what she would do next. She jumped up and shot the ball right in to the hoop. I looked around and saw multiple dudes staring at her, each ones eyes in a different place. Realizing I was being one of those creepy dudes I focused back on the game.
  By the time the game was over I was tired and ready to get out of there. I looked over to the girls team, sense they lost they had to do pushups. I looked for laurel she was in the back half assing the push ups where you get to put ur knees down. Then I looked for the blonde and wow, she was really busting those pushups out. I may have underestimated her.
I didn't want to admit it but I was embarrassed, football players at my school didn't go get tutoring it's just not something that happens. So I wanted to keep this on the down low.
I walk in the the library and nod at Mrs. Chapman, she points to the left and I assume my tutor is waiting for me in the desks in the back of the library. I turn the corner take a couple steps and stop dead in my tracks. This can't be happening, sure enough the blonde was sitting right in that chair, she was focused in on a book and didn't notice me come in. She was chewing on her lip again, and her hair back in a low poney. I stoped there for a second and watched, fascinated with how focused she was on this book. I don't think I have ever been as focused on anything in my whole life as she was on that book. And then I thought about leavening, if I left now she would never know and I wouldn't have to talk to her ever again. But I hesitated , she's.. different something about her intrigued me. It was like when I had seen her for the first time in the hallway, I hesitated. By then it was to late, she looked up at me and saw me staring at her. Our eyes met and the look on her face was....strange. It was a mix of confused, annoyed, and tired. "I'm sorry can I help you?" She said in a pleasant but questioning tone. "Oh I'm um -" "I'm waiting for my student so if you wouldn't mind I would like to be left alone." Her tone much more annoyed now. Clearly letting her tiredness get the best of her. I could tell she remembered me from the time where we almost ran her over and from when her friend was getting beat up. This won't be good. "well that's me actually." I flashed her a cocky smile trying to turn on the charm so this wouldn't be so miserable, plus she was hot.
I'm Oliver Queen. Do I have a girl friend? Yes, but dose that stop me? No. Laurel doesn't care the whole things just for show anyways. I don't clame to be guy of the year. I'll admit I'm a player. So if some light flirting can get this girl to like me a little more then why not. I knew it would be easy, it always was. Girls never turned me down that's how it's always been.
" your're the student I'm tutoring?" her bright blue eyes were looking up at me confused. I took a big step toward, nodded my head and gave her a little smirk.
She looked away pursing her lips contemplating her next move.
Felicity's pov
I know what he's doing, trying to charm his way into my goodwill. Not, gonna, happen. I knew what type of person Oliver Queen was and I wast not going to fall for it. I wasn't going to just mindlessly agree to what ever he wanted. Im smarter than that. "Ok then, sit down and we can discuss times for our sessions. Hi name is Felicity Smoak. " I said with a fake pleasant smile. Shooting out my hand for him to shake. No matter how much I disliked him this was still my job. He looked confused at first by my sudden politeness. Probably thinking he had won me over already. He sat down in the chair in front on me and dropped his back pack on the ground. "Well I have football practice every day after school for and hour and a half and I'm almost always busy or away on the weekends." He flashed me another smile. "my students are usually busy with after school activity's so we can work around that. I can meet u in the library twice a week 2 hours after school ends." I flashed him one of mine own smiles picking up on the game he was playing. "Why can't we meet right after my football practice?" He asked " because I am busy and I won't be able to make it that soon." I said in a matter of fact tone. I looked down to start getting my stuff together. "busy with what?" "Nothing that concerns you" I said still not paying attention to him with my eyes. He seamed bothered by the lack of attention and my short answers. I guess he's used to girls falling all over him. As i stood up and put my back pack on I looked at him and pushed my glasses a little farther up my nose. "does Monday and Wednesday work?" I asked " uh ya sure" he said rushing to grab his backpack and catch up with me while I was walking away. "so um I'll see you next Monday?" He asked " if you show up then yes" I said walking away from him. Throwing him a look over my shoulder on the way out.
Oliver's pov
I just stood there watching her walk away. Well shit. That didn't go as planned. Usually all it took was a little manners, a smile, and viola problem fixed. But she was different, she didn't want anything to do with me. I don't understand why tho? I mean I get the whole being mad about almost running her over but I stopped Marcus. She should be all over me. I could have got in some serious shit with Marcus for acting like that. Thank God He decided not to mention it, I didn't need problems with him right now, I had enough on my plate right now.
Felicity Smoak is a mystery I never know what shes gonna to do next. I half expected for her to start screaming at me when she saw me in the library I mean I almost ran her over, people are usually pissed about that stuff. And even though she clearly doesn't like me after what happened with her friend she is still willing to help me. Huh. She kept surprising me. And I couldn't wait to see what her next move would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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