Fights and thoughts

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Oliver has seen signs about student tutors but it's not like he had a reason to read them before this. Walking up to one and reading it he realized he had to go to the library to sign up, but just his luck the library was closed that day for cleaning. Turns out some kid threw up in the library? probably due to his schools awful food. What ever guess I'll have to go tomorrow Oliver thought.
As he was walking back to the Lunch table he thought he heard yelling. He stoped walking to listen. Sure enough he could here... her, "really again" he said out loud.
After listening more he confirmed his thoughts, yup no doubt about it that's her. It was his girl friend laurel, probably screaming at some freshmen for bumping into her or at some girl for doing something to insult her massive ego... don't tell her I said that.
He decided he should go check it out give who ever she was yelling at a break but he froze when he saw Marcus pushing the boy from earlier into the lockers while laurel laughed at the boy. The boy seamed completely harmless, Oliver had seen him walking around with that blonde.
Shaping out of his thoughts he walked over to the three, asking laurel what was happening. "Olie there you are I was looking for you earlier" laurel said flashing him a big smile pretending like a guy wasn't getting beat up right next to them " laurel why is Marcus doing that" he said annoyed " cause that weirdo was looking at me creepy" just then Marcus threw another punch at the kid hitting him square in the nose. Normally Oliver wouldn't get involved in stuff like this, why should he care about this nerd? " Marcus just knock it off" just then the boy, Curtis was it? yelled to laurel  "Let me go I wasn't looking at you I don't even like girls" Marcus didn't stop tho  "laurel he wasn't checking you out now can we go." Oliver turned to look at what he was sure would only be shock on laurels face, but before he could they were inturuped by a new member. It was the blonde from before. Shit's about to get messy Oliver think clenching his jaw looking over at Curtis. Marcus was still hunched over him " what the fuck do you think you're doing!" the furious blonde yells from the end of the hallway quickly making her way over to them "get off of him!" she says closer now. Oliver looked to Marcus he hadn't moved an inch. I know Marcus and I'll be dames if he backs off now. She ran over and tried to push Marcus off Curtis. I froze. I didn't know what to do. This was none of my business. Marcus then pushed Felicity away " shut up nerd I'm busy here can't you see, you have glasses don't they work" Marcus yells. I hear laurel laugh behind me. The blonde try's again trying to push Marcus away from Curtis ignoreibg what Marcus said. And that's when Marcus got mad.
He grabbed Felicity and shoved her into the lockers no doubt making her head probably hurt a shit tone. " shut the fuck up or I'll make use of that annoying mouth of yours" and just as Felicity froze in fear, I unfroze. He did not just fucking say that. I don't care who it is despite my reputation I still have morals. Oliver grabbed Marcus from the back of his head gripping on to his slightly long hair. And shoved him into the lockers making sure he hit hit his head a lot harder then the blonde did. "Marcus you need to shut your mouth right now or.." Oliver was about to say lot more but then he snapped out of it. What was he doing? He didn't know this girl and Marcus was his friend. He never payed attention to this stuff before, that's not who he was. Laurel was now walking away.
          He let Marcus go and took a look at his hands then over to the blonde and the boy on the floor. She was right there next to him checking to see if he was hurt, checking on his nose which if I had to guess I would say was broken.
         Laurel and Marcus left no doubt throwing him dirty looks over their shoulders but he didn't look their way. He didn't know this girl they weren't friends. She was a nerd and he, well he definitely wasn't. Still he looked over to her she was- she was shaking, she looked terrified suddenly she stood up and turned away from me and giving her friend a hand to help him up. Her friend stood up and started walking away with her keeping her steady. She was probably dizzy from that hit to the head. He might have given we a concussion              

          I decided not to think about it, the more I thought about it the more confusing it would get. Trying to pretend like that never happened I walked back to the lunch table.
    At the lunch table sat the usual, tommy, me, Laurel, Helena, Marcus, and some cheerleaders and football players he forgot the names of.  I looked over and laurel and Marcus were acting as if nothing had ever happened, guess I should too. But I couldn't seam to forget the blonde sitting there shaking.

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