
915 29 89

tw: suicide, death, graphic depictions of death

awsten looked at geoff's lifeless body, his heart so full of regret and pain and hurt, so much hurt. how the fuck could geoff do this to him? how could geoff leave him like that?

geoff took his life from awsten. he ruined awsten's life.

and, even then, awsten was so in love with geoff that he couldn't stop himself.

he grabbed the razor he kept in the tiny ring box under his bed and pulled up his sleeves. he rolled his pants up as well as he slit everywhere, covering his body in cuts. he laughed, carving 'i love geoff' into his thigh, and 'im not sorry' into his arm. he threw the blade down once he was satisfied and looked over to his nightstand.

48,000mg of trileptal. he had over 50k mg.

he poured the bottle into his mouth. if the pills didn't work, the bleeding or the choking would.

he laid there, falling away from reality, before he fell asleep forever.

powerless 🌹 gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now