1❚ A Bearer of News

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Great bangs thundered across the ground as a body slammed upon it, the forceful impact trembling the earth. Ahzrael's intense, golden eyes observed the scene that was unfolding a tremendous distance from him.

Standing tall, pure power exuded from the superior Diuxal, beings almost as old as the stars, while he remained still as a mountain. The only thing that moved was his eyes, shifting side to side, while he watched the other two Diuxals from afar.

They were oblivious to his presence, as he made sure he was unnoticed. He always enjoyed watching his warriors during downtime, sharpening their skills that would never wane. It was one of the few things that still satisfied him in this infinite life.

The sounds the duo made took little effort for him to hear, even from this great distance. Watching them, he could see the fine details of their appearance as if they were standing right in front of him. One of them fell to the ground, and Ahzrael enhanced his focus even more to get a clearer view.

A hand came sweeping down, but the fallen body dashed away with whirlwind speed, springing to their feet. Beneath the peach and lavender sky, the two Diuxals stood at full height, staring at one another.

A showdown.

Ahzrael's eyes shifted to the other one, Sirone. She was shorter in stature, standing with a cunning smirk etched on her face. Her crimson hair flowed backward, twirling with the wind. Eyes like honey met with her competitor; Nirus, staring him down, refusing to blink.

The gentle glow of their world's light gleamed over their bodies, highlighting the ivory markings engraved beneath their skin. The terrain was still, and the winds halted as if the land was bracing itself for the next impact. The two Diuxals remained feet apart, continuing to observe one another, patiently waiting for one to make their maneuver.

Sirone took one step to the side, followed by another, in a slow and steady half-circle. Her white pants, like leather, clung to her thin but strong legs perfectly. There were silver plates over her thighs that ran down her calves, gleaming in the light. A tight copper and white vest adorned her upper section, revealing only parts of a smooth beige complexion. The metallic vest hugged her body close, as if it were a part of her skin. A slight shadow defined her toned arms, as she held them flexed and ready, preparing each muscle for the brawl. Fierce eyes remained fixated on her taller opponent, who wore an impish grin.

"Does fear delay you?" asked Nirus, his low voice filled with taunt.

Ahzrael chuckled to himself as he watched Nirus incite her, far from surprised by his words. He crossed his large arms together, continuing to observe.

There was a mischievous smile on Nirus' lips while awaiting her response. Shiny strings along his waistline hung loose and would dangle against fawn trousers each time he took a single step. His arms wore bands stiff as iron, submerged and shielded in gold that tailored perfectly around his wrist, just as Sirone's.

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