5❚ A Bitter Welcome

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Ahzrael arrived in Vae'lon, mere feet away from the high-rise acropolis, and felt an immediate change. A sense of unbalance. A forbidden energy battling within their home. Their world was in distress as forceful winds raged in the skies and the ground beneath his feet violently trembled.

In the distance, booming sounds of waves smashing against the cliffside caught his attention. Focusing his hearing, he picked up on clamorous echoes of bodies being hurled around. It was similar to the sounds Nirus and Sirone made during their training, but this was far more intense, far more deliberate and violent.

With supreme speed, he turned into a shadowed light of himself and raced towards Terevii, the private sectors that were located far away from the mainland. The sectors were used as a place to seek solitude within Vae'lon, but not too far away from it all. Today, it served an alternate purpose.

Ahzrael passed through the white mists with ease. Vae'lon was scarce of trees, only massive walls of clouds separated each region it possessed.

Materializing into physical form, he stepped into an astonishing scene. A dark figure thrashed around, screeching and clawing at the Diuxals all about the area.

The Inusir.

Ahzrael absorbed the sight of his people: weapons raised, eyes glowing, one purpose. There was a small group of Diuxals, eleven, including Nirus and Sirone. With chaos building, it wouldn't be long before other Diuxals across the stars felt this unnatural occurrence.

Ahzrael caught sight of Nirus twirling and dodging blows with swift precision. Nirus reached behind him, gripping a massive sword that illuminated a bright blue as he drew it from the middle of his back. He vaulted, soaring high towards the sky, still drawing the sword. He watched him intently, the ferocity in Nirus's eyes was too apparent.

Nirus released the sword and lunged down towards the Inusir, who swerved away just in time but not fast enough. The blade ripped through its side, tearing at the dark cloth. A loud shriek escaped the Inusir's lips. It was not a shriek of pain, but anger. With a sharp turn, the Inusir backhanded Nirus, sending him flying.

Ahzrael tried to capture the Inusir's appearance, noticing large black wings in a blur. He attempted to see more but it was moving too fast even for someone with his power to focus. It teleported in and out, in and out. Vanishing then reappearing feet away. There was no time for observation, he needed to act.

Already having Oziren on his person, he pulled it out of its sheath. Power exuded from the blade, sensing a new target. A shining, golden light blazed from Ahzrael's eyes, taking over his entire cornea. He charged towards the Inusir, who whipped their head in his direction then rushed further away.

"Why do you aim to kill me?!" the Inusir bellowed, immediately halting Ahzrael in place. Its demanding, guttural tone sent shock waves through the ground, abruptly ending the battle.

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