Fancy (Iggy Azalea FanFiction)

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Title: Fancy

Description: Meeting your idol could change your life.

Genre: Fanfiction/Teen

I hope you like it Shavonxoxo. This is the short story you wanted. xx


I was right at the front. My stomach was swarmed with anticipated butterflies and I felt my heart soar as I looked around at all the other people here for the same reason I was. To see Iggy Azalea live. There were hundreds and thousands of souls in the one place and I had never felt so... involved. So wanted. I belonged here.

“I love your shirt!” I glanced around at the girl who had tapped my shoulder and I grinned broadly.

“Thanks!” I replied over the noise of thousands of mouths. “I made it myself!”

Her eyes widened almost comically. I noticed that she had dyed her hair a platinum blonde, no doubt to match Iggy’s.

“No way! That’s so freaking cool!” Looking down at my own shirt, I smiled proudly. I had spent hours making this, getting Iggy’s name in the right place and some of her lyrics sprawled in capital letters over the fabric. I was just about to reply when suddenly the lights were dimmed. A loud roar that seemed to tremble from deep within me could be heard as everyone screamed knowing that Iggy must be coming on stage. The girl who had complimented my shirt grabbed my arm and screamed wildly.

”Iggy! Iggy! Iggy!” the crowd started chanting and the atmosphere started to affect me, a bubble of excitement bursting in my chest. Why couldn’t I feel like this all the time?

“Are you ready?” Iggy’s voice was amplified and rang around the entire concert. I couldn’t help myself, I screamed along with everyone else. “I can’t hear you!” We all screamed louder and I cackled, my face hurting already from all the smiling. A single floodlight filled the stage and then… she was there. Standing just a few metres from me. For a second my heart stopped and I felt tears of emotion bubble to the surface. My idol was standing so close to me!

The music for Fancy started playing and there was more screaming and then I was jumping along with everyone else as Iggy started to sing. It was incredible.

Halfway through the concert, I was exhilarated and my bones were aching from the constant jumping and screaming when suddenly the song Work came on and Iggy came right down to the edge of the stage, very close to me. I had tears streaming down my face at this point but then the woman looked right at me and I practically melted. She seemed to sing the rest of the song to me and after it was over she winked.

“I’m going to need a volunteer!”


“Somebody to come up here on stage with me and sing!” Iggy looked at me again and pointed. “You.”

“Me!?” I exclaimed pointing at myself. The girl from before pushed me slightly.

“Yes you, silly! Go up!” In a daze, I made my way to the security guards who guided me up to the stage. The lights up here were blinding but all I could see was Iggy Azalea.

“Come here love,” she extended her hand to me and the crowd roared. I walked closer and then she was touching my shoulder and I damn nearly fainted. “What’s your name sweetheart?”

“H-Hayley,” I stammered.

“What a lovely name! Are you ready to sing?” I just nodded my head, unable to utter another word. Change Your Life played and Iggy took my hand (which was really sweaty) and started to sing the song. Every now and then she’d lift the microphone to my mouth and I would sing along, not caring if I sounded awful because I was on stage with Iggy Azalea!

When the song had finished I was ushered back off the stage, but before I left, Iggy handed me a piece of paper.

“I think we’d make great friends,” she whispered in my ear. I swallowed and nodded my head. She grinned and waved as I made my way back down to my spot in the crowd. As the next song started, I grabbed the paper and squinted at the writing.

Call me sometime! Love Iggy Azalea.

Under that was her phone number.

Oh my god. Iggy wanted to be my friend!

This was the best day of my life!   

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