Chapter 4-Confusion

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Chapter 4


                For the past hour, I haven't stopped thinking about the fact that Peter may not truly be healed. Even the slightest possibility of him changing back into his old self terrified me.
                But, I had no choice; I had to push that feeling aside. I had so many thoughts running through my head; I was confused to say the least. I wanted answers, but right now that seems very unlikely. I want to know the truth, the whole truth. I want to know what happened the day I nearly died.
        I find it hard to believe that everyone I loved, my friends and my family, were willing to kill me.
As much as I wanted to stay here with Peter, answers were more important. I was prepared to leave, and track down the others. I know that just leaving with no explanation and nothing left behind isn't the best idea. But there is no way in hell that I'm going to tell him where I'm actually going.
                To be honest, I don't know exactly where I'm headed all I know is that I hope I'll find the answers I need. I had packed a bag that hopefully contains everything I'll need along the way. Without looking back at our campsite, I started towards the woods.
                I didn't want to admit it, but I was terrified, which really shouldn'tbe very surprising. Anything could happen. I could be shot with an arrow, or knocked out with a branch, or even strangled. Some people may say I'm paranoid, but I think I have a decent reason to be. I walked along what looked a little bit like a path, my feet stumbling upon rocks and roots. The dirt had turned to mud from last night's rain storm.
                I wrapped my finger tips around the straps of my backpack, carefully watching my surroundings. If a twig cracked I can guarantee I'd jump a few feet into the air. I used a locater spell to attempt to find their campsite.

                I had been following the light my spell created for more than an hour. I still had no clue if I was being led in the right direction. As of now, I was climbing up a steep hill. Once I had reached the top, I was looking down at the raging sea.
                I stood at the very top of a dangerously high cliff. Looking down at the water, I was blown in the face with billowing wind.
                I scanned the land surrounding me, hoping to find something that will lead me to the group.
        Luckily, I could spot the smoke of a fire. Which could only mean one thing, they were here, and they were close. I ran down the hill, and through the woods, directly towards the fire.
                I ran through the trees, pushing branches and leaves out of the way as I ran.
                The question that kept crossing my mind as I ran was; what was I planning on doing when I actually found them. I had absolutely no clue what I'd do. They don't even think I'm alive, they think I'm dead, because they are the ones who killed me.

                I had slowed my pace from a sprint to a fast walk, giving me time to think before I actually found them.  A strong breeze filled with a strong smell of smoke interrupted my thoughts. I had to be close, that was for sure, but to be honest I don’t think I wanted to be.

                I walked through the woods carefully, try my hardest not to make a sound.  I peeked through the cluster of trees before me to see the bonfire that lead me to this spot. And just as I suspected the fire was surrounded by the group that had killed me.

Peter’s POV

                There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it wasn’t anywhere near a good one. I knew this wasn’t over, in least not yet. For both Haven and I to be healed at the same time just didn’t seem to add up. It was too perfect, too simple for it to actually be true.

                I could still feel the darkness inside me, it was like it was growing and filling me up all over again. If I did let the darkness take me again it would kill me. My body can’t handle another transformation like that, but there was only one other option, and it wasn’t a good one. In fact it was a completely horrible option, but I didn’t have much of a choice.

                I could either let the darkness consumer me, and be killed from it. Or, I could sacrifice the heart of the truest believer, which just so happens to be Henry. He is the only one who can save me from the darkness and from death.  As far as I knew Henry was still back at camp with the Lost Boys, but somehow that seemed unlikely.

                The only chance I had was to take Henry’s heart, but I know for a fact that Haven would never forgive me. After everything I’ve done to her, it’s impossible to think that she still cares about me. And if I were to take the heart of Henry, who is pretty much her brother, I would never get her back.

                I only had two options, neither of which were appealing; death or losing Haven.

Haven’s POV

                As I continued to peer at the group, there was a sickening feeling growing in my stomach. Not the feeling that makes you want to throw up, more like a feeling of hatred.  I accidently stepped in a pile of leaves that crunched under my feet. I cringed from the noise and froze in my spot. I was silently hoping that they hadn’t heard the incredibly loud noise I just made.

                But I already knew I was wrong, I could practically feel all pairs of eyes on me, but what I didn’t except were the words that came after.

                “Haven! Where on earth have you been?” 

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating, and I know a lot of you think that because it's summer I have time to update everyday, but the truth is, I'm rarely at home. So I'm really sorry about not updating, but I have been very busy. But, I will be updating a lot more often, and not just this story, but all of them. So sorry, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll be updating this story on Mondays from now on, so every Monday including this Monday there will be a new chapter. 

Dedication: buythestars14

Thank you soo much for all of your comments and for making me smile. 

Question for this chapter: What is your favorite thing about the summer? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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