Chapter 3- Lost and Found

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Chapter 3

Lost and Found

To say I was mentally scarred would be an understatement. All throughout my life I've grown up and been raised by the people who just tried to kill me. Which leads me to the question why? I've known most of those people for years, I've thought of most of them as family. I had assumed they cared for me, but I must have been wrong. I've nearly died a couple of times, but none of those circumstances had been brought on by my family. These people were people I had put my faith in, I had trusted them. I had even helped them, which I now regret.

I could understand why Hook would be pissed; I mean we've had our disagreements. But murder me? That's a little extreme. The rest I just couldn't wrap my mind around. Emma was practically my sister; Snow was like another mother to me. And Charming was like the father I had lost. Regina and Rumpelstiltskin were a different story, but I thought they would've in least cared.

But everything I had thought they were was just a lie. None of them cared, and none of them were my family-in least not anymore. Everything has changed, and now the games of getting Henry back have been flipped.

I was now teamed up with the last person I thought I'd be. But even with all the horrors he's committed, in my eyes, he has more of a heart than any of the people I thought were my "family." There are times where I'd look in his eyes and see the darkness I assumed was gone. But even though I had clearly seen it, I refuse to believe the truth. That even though he may be somewhat healed, there are parts of him that will never change. And that alone breaks my heart.

"You're thinking about it again, aren't you?" Peter says from his spot on a rock.

"Of course I'm thinking about it! I have nothing else to think about and frankly it's hard to get my mind off." I say with a sigh. "I mean why would they do that, they're supposed to be my friends, my family?"

"People change, you should know that." He says, meeting my eyes.

"No. Snow doesn't just change. Fairy tale characters don't change. There is a reason he's called Prince Charming and why they're called heroes. It's because they save people and don't murder them. It doesn't make any sense, we must be missing something." I groan in frustration.

"Look, it's possible that what you're saying is true, but it's just as likely that we aren't missing anything. And that you're just over thinking it. Just try to relax, and maybe breathe...for once." No matter how many times he's try to soothe my nerves, I couldn't stop my worrying. Nothing added up, and everything was mixed up.

"Just promise me you'll help me solve this mess." I say, turning to face him. A week ago, I wouldn't have admitted I needed his help, or anyone's for that matter. But now I did, and I was completely open to any help.

"I promise." He says rising to his feet, "Of course I'll help you, you know I always will." He tells me, suddenly trying to be all soppy and romantic, if that's even the word for it.

"You really are horrible at being romantic." I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well what can you expect? I've been brainwashed for awhile." He smirks back, making me laugh. He looks into my eyes, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help it; I missed him, and needed to make up for all of the lost years. I pulled him closer to him, and brought my lips to his. I let myself get lost in the kiss, letting all of the bubbly feelings fill me. My finger ran through the curls on his head, and down his neck.

"Uh," an awkward cough-like noise came from behind us, making us spring apart in surprise. I whirl around, possibly making my hair whip Peter in the face.

A terrified looking Henry stood there, his eyes wavering between Peter and I. "I was just wondering, if you had any idea where my mom is and the rest of them are?" He asks, fear in his eyes.

"Look, Henry I'm pretty much as confused as you are. I'm going to help you get back to Emma, I promise. We just need to figure this out. And if you're really that desperate to find them, you can leave. But if you stay here, we'll help you. We just first need to understand what's going on." I tell him. The kid must have been terrified; I mean honestly, how was I supposed to explain a story that was as messed up as this one.

All Henry did was nod, before he hurried off into the trees and back to camp.

"Do we really know that we don't need him anymore?" Peter asked me, his arm snaking around my waist.

"What do you mean by 'need him'?" I ask, searching his eyes for answers.

"Before, I needed the heart of the truest believer to stay alive because of the darkness inside of me. But even though the darkness is gone, are we really sure that I don't need his heart?"

At that moment, the worst thoughts came into my head, I even thought of saying "We can only hope." But seeing as that would make the whole situation worse, I opted not to. I decided to go with the more optimistic option. "You've changed. You're not Pan you're Peter, you're kind and have a heart, and you don't need Henry's to heal yourself." I told him, sending a smile his way.

He wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace, hugging me tight and close. "Thank you, for not giving up on me, and for not hating me." He whispered into my ear, sending a warm blush through my skin.

"I could never hate you for something you didn't even do." I tell him, before kissing him once again, except this time I wasn't lost in my feelings. I was lost in my thoughts. Thinking about what he had said, and if it's possible that this isn't over.

(A/N: I don't think even saying "I'm sorry" a million times will make up for the fact that I haven't updated in like a month. I have reasons, I just feel like even with those reasons I should've has enough time to update in least once or twice in a month. I can't even explain how sorry I am. I am literally just sitting here, and I don't even know what to say to make it up to you. But, I promise now that school is (a little) less hectic I'll be updating more. A lot more than I have been in the last month. I really do feel like a horrible person, I just honestly wasn't feeling it, and I didn't want to force it out of me. I hope you can (try) to undestand. The thing is, I could've written something and have it be horrible, or waited and have it be somewhat decent. Which I thought was a better option. But I had a lot of school work, and activities. And that horrible English project I was talking about-yeah it's finally finished. Not only was it long but it was also terrifying, but it's over with.

I don't know about you, but the weather is messed up (again), it was spring...for ten days. And then back to winter, I woke up to three inches of snow, and I thought I had gone insane. But nope, it was just the weather gone wild again.

Dedication for the last chapter goes to: beka_9499. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments! And I really am sorry I dissapointed you by not updating!! But I will be (I promise!).

Question for this chapter: Do you have any recent obsessions?

For some reasons I've become obsessed with all the Marvel movies. I've been re-watching all of the movies, and I just fell in love all over again. And if you haven't watched the superhero movies you totally should.



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