Team Failings

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"In the meantime, I am going to head in their direction. IT's not a matter of not trusting the team. It's a matter of not trusting Red Arrow, and I can't for the life of me let another child – albeit teen – die on my watch."

Zatanna pulled the hood of her winter gear in tighter, thinking of heading out. Yet, at the back of her mind remained the nagging feeling of needing Red Tornado there to fly the plane. She let the hatch open and watched as snow billowed lightly around. A beeping sound went off, making her startle and head back in. She pushed the button.

"I am not far from your location. I estimate arrival time in ten to fifteen minutes. Any word on the team."

She turned her communication off but kept the team on speaker. "So far, nothing. I just can't help feeling..."

Roy started speaking on the other side.

"Robin. ... Seriously? I came to rescue you, and that's the response I get?"

"Yes. Robin was definitely captured. I do not know of his condition yet."

"Do keep me apprised of the necessary details."


"Yeah, I know. I kind of set them off when I snuck in here."

Superboy piped up on the other end. "It's not sneaking if you set the alarms off."

"Woah? You okay? ... Wait? Are you actually you're not okay?"

Zatanna frowned, pushing to communicate with Red Tornado. "I was correct. Robin isn't okay. He's admitted as much."

"Robin. What's wrong?" She could hear Roy as Red Tornado continued their conversation.

"That is not a good sign if Robin is admitting he isn't doing well. What caused these events?"

"I'll tell you later. Possibly when I debrief other members of the league. I hope you get here soon." Zatanna frowned, listening into one side of the conversation between Red Arrow and Robin, yet also the rest of the team attempting to get the oldest team member to fill them into the details. She heard Red Arrow mention they were going through some kind of existence before hearing a crashing sound. "Note to self. If Red Arrow is to remain with the team, we need to work on his blundering into situations."

Her heart pounded in her chest, waiting for an answer, and then she heard the voice she wanted to hear. "Hi guys. I'm on RA's earplug."

Robin seemed calmer than before, yet there remained an edge to her voice, but she wasn't amused when he told everyone he was fine. Nobody was, but finding out the two were in the ravine waiting for the ice above the river to crack didn't say the two were fine. However, she found herself rather proud with how the team handled finally deciding who would be leader yet wondered how Robin – having led the Titans felt about all of this.

Glancing down at her watch, she noticed Red Tornado was only a few minutes out. Kaldur gave out the instructions well, so when the AI landed, she instructed him where to land. She watched from the hatch, waiting for her team to appear. Things seemed to be going well, until she heard Roy yell out.

"What the hell! Why did..."

She heard some kind of gunfire, and then a cracking sound, meaning the ice was breaking. "Rob. I'm almost there. I'll grab you..."

However, Kaldur seemed to have a better handle on what is going on. "Kid Flash, go after Red Arrow. I'll get Robin. Superboy, break a hole in the ice further down the river and be ready to pull us out."

"That doesn't sound good." Red Tornado spoke from the cockpit.

"Nothing about this mission ended up going to plan."

Just as Kaldur said he and Superboy had Robin, Kid Flash came hurtling in dragging Red Arrow by the scruff of his neck. Letting out a curse, Roy sat up, his eyes narrowing at the boy. "What the hell! Did you have to be so rough!"

Kid Flash pushed Red Arrow down as the boy started to stand. "We wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't run your mouth like you usually do! If anything happens to Robin..."

"Enough." Zatanna shook her head. "This does nothing to help Robin." She turned her head to look out at the river. Superboy and Aqualad appeared, with Robin clutched into the arms of the clone. Upon arrival, she pushed the button allowing the hatch to lift up. "Red Tornado, take off." She beckoned Superboy over to the side. "Over here."

Superboy set Robin down. Zatanna took a deep breath, strapping him into one of the chairs. Robin's skin was definitely cold to the touch. She spread her hands out over the boy. "Yrd dna mraw Nibor pu."

She watched as a soft glow spread across Robin's body. She watched the boy's clothes begin to dry. Aqualad placed a hand on her shoulder. "Will Robin be okay?"

Zatanna opened her mouth, turning to the team leader, only to find herself turning back to the soft, "sorry."

"Whatever for, my friend?"

"I forced you to be leader. That means you've got to deal with Batman and the repercussions of failing the mission."

Aqualad lowered his hand, squeezing Robin's shoulder slightly. "I'll take dealing with Batman and the repercussions of the team failing if it means you're okay."

Zatanna closed her eyes. "Robin. Where are you hurt?"

"I bumped my head a bit, but twisted my wrist as well. I possibly bruised Arrow's ribs when I kicked him."

"Good." Kid Flash piped up from where he buckled in.

"Hey." Roy glared at Kid Flash.

"Do you even understand how much trouble we're going to be in with the league?"

"Enough. Let's concentrate on getting home." Kaldur spoke.

Zatanna glanced over at Robin, watching him continue to shiver. When they arrived in the docking bay, they found themselves greeted by Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. The green alien came on board, carefully unstrapping Robin from the chair. He lifted the boy up, carrying him gently in his arms. "We'll see to Robin and make sure Batman is contacted."

Zatanna took a deep breath.


"No. It doesn't make me hate him." Cyborg narrowed his eyes, his mouth pushing together firmly. "You say Robin's afraid he's abandoned us, but we both know Robin never would. So isn't what he's really afraid of is us abandoning him? My friend needs me, so I am going to wake up now.

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