Who's the Leader? Not Me

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He felt the communication device pressed into his hand, yet Robin saw the reluctance on Red Arrow's face. He took a deep breath. "Hi guys. I'm on RA's earplug."

The sound of his voice sounded awful, yet the alarm was no longer blaring in his ears, meaning he could think straight. Plus, something told him the cold was getting to him, as the pain he felt was lessening. "Don't you ever do that again Rob."

Kid Flash's voice made Robin freeze, unable to swallow back the disappointment he heard in his friend's voice. "Don't worry KF. I'm fine."

"Fine? You told Red Arrow your head hurt. You never admit when something's wrong unless it's super bad! You're not okay! You're not okay at all!"

"Fine?" Roy took a deep breath. "You've got a head injury, but we're on thin ice here literally."

"Did Roy say you're both on thin ice literally?"

Robin felt his body tremble, knowing full well he wasn't okay. "I need you guys to listen to me."

"What? So you're leader now?" Superboy piped up.

"I..." Mentally, he froze, yet the words came out. "I do have the most experience."

"That doesn't mean you'd make a good leader." Roy said, making the cogs in Robin's head turn major circles.

"Robin." Kaldur's voice piped up. "It's not that you wouldn't make a good leader. On top of the fact you're likely not in a condition to lead, you're used to operating under very different situations than us."

"Meaning?" Robin's eyes closed.

"You're used to a team dynamic where everyone knows the roles they play going in. As such you aren't prepared to give orders to a team which does not."

The words sunk in. "I don't want to be a babysitter."

"Hey! That was uncalled for! And you babysitting all of us when we're all older than you?"

"Yeah. Not exactly..."

"Roy! Leave Rob alone! If you say something else that upsets him, I will pummel you into the ground."

"What? You're still talking to me after the crap I pulled?" Robin tried laughing it off, only to find himself wincing.

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Just..." A thought crossed his mind, yet he hated in some ways doing so. "Kaldur?"

"Yes Robin?"

"I think you should lead."

"What?" Roy flinched. "What do you mean..."

"Outside of Roy, I think everyone else on the team would agree with me on this."

"Definitely." Superboy spoke up.

"Pretty much a no-brainer."

Roy glanced at the ground. "I've got to admit I agree with you that Aqualad should be leader. You and I don't exactly get along."

The words stung, but Robin choose to ignore them. Kid Flash on the other hand became furious. "Roy! I told you..."

"Look. Kaldur, RA and I went through the river ravine exist and landed on the river. If we move, the ice might not hold. We've still got a mission to finish."

"Robin? Are you really serious about me being leader?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Then as leader I am call off the mission."

Beyond the Night: Beyond the Team (Young Justice/Teen Titans fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now