Blue Snowman

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A shiver ran down Robin's spine, his eyelids flicking open. He blinked a few times to stop the dizzy spell rushing through his head. The light in the room hurt his eyes giving him a headache, only for a sudden realization to occur. The light in the room hurt his eye because his head hurt, not the other way around. He suppressed a groan, knowing that meant some bad guy knocked him out.

The next step was escape.

He titled his head slowly, attempting to take in his surroundings. The dizziness didn't go away, but it didn't get worse either. The entire place was icy, but his small frame continued to shiver acutely. The fact he found himself pinned against an icy wall didn't help, nor did his cold weather gear, almost as if the entire uniform found itself drenched in the cold of the blizzard.

Glancing at the side, Robin narrowed his eyes. His found his wrists securely attached to the wall. Frowning, Robin mentally cursed himself for not having come to quick enough, yet also for losing his cool. His fingers wiggled, attempting to retrieve the lockpick from his glove. He carefully maneuvered the item out, aiming the pick at the lock.

His teeth ground together, concentrating on the task despite the chills racking his body, yet he found his body not functioning in the manner he expected, almost as if the ice coldness was paralyzing his body. He thought he almost had the lock on one of his wrists undone, when the lockpick slipped from his grasp, glittering to the ground.

Robin took in a deep breath, his ears picking up the sound of the metal lockpick hitting the ground.

A muttered curse escaped his lips, his mind hoping the sound didn't draw anyone's attention. His eyelids drooped, his mind wondering how to get out of the situation. For a few minutes his vision blurred. When they opened, he found himself sucking in his breath, as in front of him was the blue snowman he'd seen before.

His eyes closed.

His eyes opened.

The blue snowman was still there.

Robin hung there limply, watching the person in question. His mind worked sluggishly, yet he found himself concluding the snowman must be some kind of snow villain.


"What?" His throat felt dry, but slightly painfully.

"You're cute."

Scratch that. The snowman must be a snow villainess. His eyes blinked, confused.

"Still confused? I'd heard Batman's sidekick was super adorable..."

There was that word he heard used regarding himself.

"... but I'd never get around to Gotham to check the rumor out for myself."

Robin swallowed, his throat hurting. His eyes closed, not liking the situation one bit. He felt something tug on his cape, yet he kept his eyes closed.

"And what an adorable outfit you have! So bright and cheerful! What a cute contrast between the Batman. Honestly, that's one of the reasons why I don't go there. Gotham's hero is scary. Just as scary as Wonder Woman."

"Uh..." Robin let out a groan, keeping his eyes closed. He honestly wasn't wanting to think about Wonder Woman at a time like this when it felt like the creepy snowman was... the words didn't come quite to his mind, but the thinking process wasn't working correctly. His body was simply too cold. He felt a hand touch his cheek lightly yet refused to open his eyes. "Stop."

"Do I repulse you?"

"Creeped out."

"Excuse me."

"Enough villainesses..." He kept his eyes closed.

"How'd you know I'm female? There's no way you could have known."

Robin's eyes snapped open. "Called me cute."

"I see."

"And what is this about villainesses. Are we not as good as the men?" The blue snowman – which honestly sounded strange knowing he was really a she – placed hands on their hips.

Robin shook his head slightly, his eyes snapping shut because of a sudden wave of dizziness. A hiss escaped his mouth, but his head hurt. He tried thinking of the right word, yet his normal vocabulary didn't seem to work. "Hit on me."

If he was in his normal state of mind, he'd have given her a speech about how older women hitting on someone his age was downright creepy. "Oh. Of course I wouldn't hit on you! You're too little! That will have to wait until your older and more of a looker."

Another groan escaped his mouth, his eyes closing. "That didn't come across as creepy. Not at all. Then again, maybe my brain is super addled. I want to go home."

He felt guilty for getting mad at Red Arrow, but even his best friend. He wondered if Wally would ever forgive him for snapping like he had, but found himself personally doubting – well, everything. Hands down he screwed up this mission. Perhaps not when he ducked for cover expecting the others to follow, but certainly when he took off in an attempt to cool his head.

Except he couldn't form even a despairing thought, his eyes drooping. Even running the symptoms of a concussion and hypothermia through his head didn't work.


Cyborg frowned, contemplating what Robin just said. Robin buried his head further. "I said I want you to wake up, but don't."

The words were muttered. "Why?"

"Don't want you to see how bad I messed up. Don't want you to know I failed you. All of you. That I..."

"That you what?"

"Another team."

"Another team?" Cyborg frowned.

"I didn't abandon you guys, but..."

Cyborg started. He found himself getting mixed messages. Something happened, something which upset Robin. Robin never got upset around the rest of the team, and yet Cyborg felt as if Robin had, as if the young hero was talking to his unconscious self. How many times had Robin visited, let alone how much time had passed, he didn't know. That didn't seem as important as something else.

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