(17) Welcome to My Dungeon

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After several hours of sobbing in the music studio I reminded myself of Jace and pulled myself back to my feet. Once I had started crying, I had found that I couldn't stop. I cried for Jace, for the fact that he would get older and eventually catch up to me and then I would have to explain what I was. I cried for my humanity. I cried for all of the animals I had killed. I cried because my shoulder burned. I cried becuase of Alek. Because despite the fact that he had literally killed me and put me through all the shit he had, I had still thought we were getting closer, and I had liked it.

When I got back to my house, Theo and Kiera were there with Jace. Kiera rushed over to me when she saw me, checking me over to make sure I was okay. She spotted the wound on my neck and sighed and I started balling all over again. Kiera shooed Theo, telling him to go play with Jace while she embraced me, patting my back and saying words of comfort.

It was comforting. I had never had a best friend before but now I realized that's what Kiera was to me. She was my best friend, besides Theo, but he was a guy so it was different.

After I finished crying, we sat down at the table. I heard Theo tell Jace to go play upstairs for a bit while we had a "grown up" talk. Kiera buisied herself getting a banadage to cover my neck wound while Theo sat down at the table.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I yelled at Alek and it put him over the edge. And then I tried to walk away and he pinned me against the tree and I yelled at him again...and then he bit me. But it wasn't like when he had before, it hurt. A lot." I hesitated, biting my lip and feeling a little blood escape. I sucked on it for a seocnd before it healed and I continued. "After he stopped, I just took off."

Kiera banaged up my wound. "Why can't I just heal it with my saliva or whatever?" I asked.

Theo answered me. "It has to heal on it's own. Normally a bite will heal from vampire saliva, but that's only if the bite is taken on in a good way. When it's meant to inflict pain, the wound won't heal for a little while. Human blood would heal it faster." He explained.

I nodded. Kiera sat down. "Where did you go after he bit you?" She asked.

I told her where the studio was and she nodded, knowing where I was talking about.

"I can't believe he did that." Kiera said, staring out the window.

Theo snorted. "I can. He's never been one to control his anger very well."

"Mmm." Was all Kiera said in response.


The red velvet sheets below me were so soft. I rolled over, pulling the covers closer around my neck, basking in their warmth. Warmth rolled off of the bed like waves. I opened my eyes and saw that it was not the blankets that heated the bed, but the person laying beside me.

I bolted upright and pulled the covers back, staring down at Alek, who was staring back at me. "Why are you in my bed?" He asked, his voice almost lazily slow.

I looked around us. The room was dark but I could see that it was not filled with very much. There was a desk and a dresser and the bed. The walls must have been blue or grey or another dark color. As I stared around us, the furniture changed. The dresser became a wooden stand holding weapons. The desk became an old, tattered one in which different torture devices were sitting on. There were chains hanging from the walls.

I tried to move but found that my hands and feet were chained to the bed.

"What are you doing?" I screamed at Alek, pulling on the chains as hard as I could. I could feel the cold metal eating against my wrists, making them bleed. "Let me go!"

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