I'm Drowning In An Ocean of the Tears That I've Cried

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I knocked on Karen's bedroom door.  "Karen?"

"Go away!" yelled Karen.

Then I tried opening the door.  Surprisingly, it wasn't locked.

"What do you want?" she asked me.  She was sitting on her bed curled up like a ball.

"For you to tell me whats wrong." I replied.

"It's none of your business."

"It is if I'm the problem."

"Why are you even here?"

"Well, my parents are dead and-"

"No, stupid. Why are you being nice to me?"  I've been mean to you since you got here."

"Because,"  I sat down next to her on the bed. "I'm going to be here for the next few months, and we might as well get along."

Then Karen hugged me.

"Zane, can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

"Well, can I ask you something else?"

"Sorry, you've used up all your questions for today."


"Okay, fine.  Ask away."

"When you first got here, why didn't you talk?"

I sighed.  "I had a feeling you would ask that.  Well Karen, when you've moved around so much, not even moving with you're family, just being on your own, its easier to distance yourself from people than to get close to them and then have to leave.  Its easier to act like you don't care than to care and get hurt."

"Oh.  Um, if you don't mind, could you tell me why you cut yourself?"

I sighed again.  "Wow. When it comes to asking questions, you aren't very original.  Okay, well when I was six I was taken away from my home.  My dad had killed my mom and then himself.  So I was put into the foster care system.  And for awhile I didn'ttalk at all.  Lets just say that a lot of the homes I lived in weren't so great.  When I was ten I decided I needed to find an outlet.  Whenever I remember things that happened to me before, or when I feel like I can't control anything, I cut."

"Oh.  Sorry."

"Its okay. Its not your fault."

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