Everyday I Must Practice to Fake This Smile

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When I got home, Holly was waiting for me.

"Hey, Kiddo." She says.

I look at her.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

I shake my head.

"Well, cheer up!  I'm having some family and friends over tonight, and they would really like to meet you.  But first I'll give you a ride to the mall."

Holly dropped me off at the mall and gave me some money.  I bought some clothes and a few CD's.  A few hours later she drove me home.  Then it was finally time for Holly's little party.  I faked a smile as best as I could, and I made sure my wrists couldn't be seen.

I went downstairs and greeted Holly's family and friends with smiles and handshakes.  We all ate pizza, and when we were done the kids all went downstairs to the basement that had been turned into a room to hang out in.  Many of Karen's friends were there.  They sat and gossiped about boys and teachers and girls who they had decided were worth less than them.  I just sat there.

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